1. Targeting Glutathione S-transferase M4 in Ewing sarcoma
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  2. Nitric Oxide Donor-Based Cancer Therapy: Advances and Prospects
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  3. Fifty Years of Diazeniumdiolate Research: A Tribute to Dr. Larry K. Keefer
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  4. Development of JS-K, a First-in-Class Arylated Diazeniumdiolate, for the Treatment of Cancer
    Paul J. Shami, 2023, Critical Reviews™ in Oncogenesis CrossRef
  5. JS-K, a GST-activated nitric oxide donor prodrug, enhances chemo-sensitivity in renal carcinoma cells and prevents cardiac myocytes toxicity induced by Doxorubicin
    Mingning Qiu et al, 2017, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology CrossRef