1. QTL Mapping for Age-Related Eye Pigmentation in the Pink-Eyed Dilution Castaneus Mutant Mouse
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  2. MicroRNA Regulatory Pathways in the Control of the Actin–Myosin Cytoskeleton
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  3. miR-143 Targeting CUX1 to Regulate Proliferation of Dermal Papilla Cells in Hu Sheep
    Tingyan Hu et al, 2021, Genes CrossRef
  4. Advances in vitiligo: Update on therapeutic targets
    Yifei Feng et al, 2022, Frontiers in Immunology CrossRef
  5. Molecular and biochemical mechanisms of human iris color: A comprehensive review
    Saeed Dorgaleleh et al, 2020, Journal of Cellular Physiology CrossRef
  6. microRNAs in the Regulation of Melanogenesis
    Yekatsiaryna Hushcha et al, 2021, International Journal of Molecular Sciences CrossRef