1. IL-33/NF-κB/ST2L/Rab37 positive-feedback loop promotes M2 macrophage to limit chemotherapeutic efficacy in lung cancer
    You-En Yang et al, 2024, Cell Death & Disease CrossRef
  2. Targeting EGFR in Combination with Nutritional Supplements on Antitumor Efficacy in a Lung Cancer Mouse Model
    Chih-Hung Guo et al, 2022, Marine Drugs CrossRef
  3. Toward the next generation EGFR inhibitors: an overview of osimertinib resistance mediated by EGFR mutations in non-small cell lung cancer
    Yufeng Li et al, 2023, Cell Communication and Signaling CrossRef
  4. The Inhibitory Effect and Mechanism of Ferula akitschkensis Volatile Oil on Gastric Cancer
    Rong Han et al, 2022, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine CrossRef