1. Targeted Delivery of Cell Penetrating Peptide Virus-like Nanoparticles to Skin Cancer Cells
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  2. Retargeting adenoviruses for therapeutic applications and vaccines
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  3. Progress and perspectives on targeting nanoparticles for brain drug delivery
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  4. M11: A Tropism-Modified Oncolytic Adenovirus Arming with a Tumor-Homing Peptide for Advanced Ovarian Cancer Therapies
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  5. Tumor-targeting peptides from combinatorial libraries
    Ruiwu Liu et al, 2017, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews CrossRef
  6. Reprogramming the Activatable Peptide Display Function of Adeno-Associated Virus Nanoparticles
    Nicole N. Thadani et al, 2018, ACS Nano CrossRef
  7. Glioblastoma Stem Cell Targeting Peptide Isolated Through Phage Display Binds Cadherin 2
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