1. Regulatory mechanisms of natural compounds from traditional Chinese herbal medicines on the microglial response in ischemic stroke
    Myong Hak Ri et al, 2023, Phytomedicine CrossRef
  2. 6‐gingerol effect on rat liver following exposure to gold nanoparticles: From histopathologic findings to inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers
    Fatemeh Fatemi et al, 2024, Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology CrossRef
  3. In vivo protective effects of 6‑gingerol in cerebral ischemia involve preservation of antioxidant defenses and activation of anti‑apoptotic pathways
    Ratchaniporn Kongsui et al, 2024, Biomedical Reports CrossRef
  4. Characterization of Eurotium cristatum Fermented Thinned Young Apple and Mechanisms Underlying Its Alleviating Impacts on Experimental Colitis
    Wei Song et al, 2024, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry CrossRef