1. Targeting autophagy process in center nervous trauma
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  2. Cationic Arginine-Rich Peptides (CARPs): A Novel Class of Neuroprotective Agents With a Multimodal Mechanism of Action
    Bruno P. Meloni et al, 2020, Frontiers in Neurology CrossRef
  3. Exenatide improves randomā€pattern skin flap survival via TFE3 mediated autophagy augment
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  4. Modulation of autophagy in traumatic brain injury
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  5. The role of L-arginine metabolism in neurocritical care patients
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  6. Voluntary running wheel exercise induces cognitive improvement post traumatic brain injury in mouse model through redressing aberrant excitation regulated by voltage-gated sodium channels 1.1, 1.3, and 1.6
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  7. In vitro cellular uptake and neuroprotective efficacy of poly-arginine-18 (R18) and poly-ornithine-18 (O18) peptides: critical role of arginine guanidinium head groups for neuroprotection
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