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  2. Jujuboside B post-treatment attenuates PM 2.5 -induced lung injury in mice
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  3. Chronic Exposure to Secondary Organic Aerosols Causes Lung Tissue Damage
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  4. Is there an association between the level of ambient air pollution and COVID-19?
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  5. The relationship among air pollution, meteorological factors and COVID-19 in the Brussels Capital Region
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  6. Ropivacaine has the potential to relieve PM2.5‑induced acute lung injury
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  7. Genomic Approach to the Assessment of Adverse Effects of Particulate Matters on Skin Cancer and Other Disorders and Underlying Molecular Mechanisms
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  8. Pathogenic Mechanisms of Secondary Organic Aerosols
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  9. Effects of particulate matter on endothelial, epithelial and immune system cells
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  10. SARS-CoV-2 Infection and ACE-2 Expression in Children: An Overview
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  11. Toxicological Effects of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5): Health Risks and Associated Systemic Injuries—Systematic Review
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  12. The Physiological Effects of Air Pollution: Particulate Matter, Physiology and Disease
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  13. Fine Particulate Matter and Lung Function among Burning-Exposed Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Workers
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  14. Dichotomous analysis of gaseous emissions as influenced by the impacts of COVID-19 in Brazil: São Paulo and Legal Amazon
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