1. Cavernous haemangioma of the nasal pyramid: literature review and our experience
    Codrut Sarafoleanu et al, 2022, Romanian Journal of Rhinology CrossRef
  2. Hypopharyngeal cancer trends in a high-incidence region: A retrospective tertiary single center study
    Alina-Georgiana Vulcu Cordunianu et al, 2023, World Journal of Clinical Cases CrossRef
  3. Regional Regression Correlation Model of Microplastic Water Pollution Control Using Circular Economy Tools
    Valentin Marian Antohi et al, 2023, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health CrossRef
  4. Prolonged generalized osteomalacia associated with a sinonasal cavity phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor: A case report
    Mehdi Montazer et al, 2024, Clinical Case Reports CrossRef
  5. Unusual presentation and histopathology of bilateral nasal polypi; cavernous hemangioma (right) and inverted papilloma (left)
    Abdulkarim Hasan et al, 2024, Clinical Case Reports CrossRef