1. Cultivo de células troncales de médula ósea de ratas para uso en regeneración de tejidos
    Ángel Eduardo Pirela Labrador et al, 2022, Universitas Odontologica CrossRef
  2. Towards a Physiological Scale of Vocal Fold Agent-Based Models of Surgical Injury and Repair: Sensitivity Analysis, Calibration and Verification
    Aman Garg et al, 2019, Applied Sciences CrossRef
  3. Effective Label-Free Sorting of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Clinical Bone Marrow Samples
    Silvia Zia et al, 2022, Bioengineering CrossRef
  4. A Comparative Study of Canine Mesenchymal Stem Cells Isolated from Different Sources
    Filip Humenik et al, 2022, Animals CrossRef