1. Genetically-modified Stem Cell in Regenerative Medicine and Cancer Therapy; A New Era
    Javad Verdi et al, 2021, Current Gene Therapy CrossRef
  2. Pre-Conditioning Methods and Novel Approaches with Mesenchymal Stem Cells Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease
    Anthony Matta et al, 2022, Cells CrossRef
  3. Tissue Kallikrein Protects Rat Prostate against the Inflammatory Damage in a Chronic Autoimmune Prostatitis Model via Restoring Endothelial Function in a Bradykinin Receptor B2-Dependent Way
    Mengyang Zhang et al, 2022, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity CrossRef
  4. Gene editing and therapy in acquired and inherited cardiovascular disorders
    Sushmitha Duddu et al, 2024, The Nucleus CrossRef
  5. The Winding Road of Cardiac Regeneration—Stem Cell Omics in the Spotlight
    Miruna Mihaela Micheu et al, 2018, Cells CrossRef
  6. Efficacy of Cell-Based Therapies for Traumatic Brain Injuries
    Matthew R. Chrostek et al, 2019, Brain Sciences CrossRef
  7. Interrelation among exercise training, cardiac hypertrophy, and tissue kallikrein-kinin system in athlete and non-athlete women
    Behnam Heidari et al, 2022, Journal of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Research CrossRef
  8. Human Tissue Kallikrein 1 Is Downregulated in Elderly Human Prostates and Possesses Potential In Vitro Antioxidative and Antifibrotic Effects in Rodent Prostates
    Mengyang Zhang et al, 2021, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity CrossRef