1. Agronomic Evaluation of Bunching Onion in the Colombian Cundiboyacense High Plateau
    Carlos H. Galeano Mendoza et al, 2018, International Journal of Agronomy CrossRef
  2. Allium macrostemon whole extract ameliorates obesity-induced inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum stress in adipose tissue of high-fat diet-fed C57BL/6N mice
    Juhae Kim et al, 2023, Food & Nutrition Research CrossRef
  3. Evaluation of Anti-Hyperlipidaemic Activity of a Mixture of Zinger officinale, Allium sativum, Citrus Lemon, Honey, and Malus domestica Vinegar (ZACAH) Extracts in Rats Fed with High Cholesterol Diet
    Kokila Vani Perumal et al, 2022, Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences CrossRef
  4. Determination and dietary exposure assessment of 79 pesticide residues in Chinese onion (Allium fistulosum L.)
    Nengming Chu et al, 2023, CyTA - Journal of Food CrossRef
  5. Enhancement of Lipid Metabolism and Hepatic Stability in Fatā€Induced Obese Mice by Fermented Cucurbita moschata Extract
    Md. Akil Hossain et al, 2018, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine CrossRef
  6. Lipid-Lowering and Antioxidant Activity of RF13 Peptide From Vacuolar Protein Sorting-Associated Protein 26B (VPS26B) by Modulating Lipid Metabolism and Oxidative Stress in HFD Induced Obesity in Zebrafish Larvae
    Ajay Guru et al, 2022, International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics CrossRef