1. DNA methylation dynamics in aging: how far are we from understanding the mechanisms?
    Fabio Ciccarone et al, 2018, Mechanisms of Ageing and Development CrossRef
  2. DNA Hydroxymethylation Levels Are Altered in Blood Cells From Down Syndrome Persons Enrolled in the MARK-AGE Project
    Fabio Ciccarone et al, 2018, The Journals of Gerontology: Series A CrossRef
  3. Genome‐wide hypermethylation is closely associated with abnormal expression of genes involved in neural development in induced pluripotent stem cells derived from a Down syndrome mouse model
    Jiao‐jiao Xi et al, 2021, Cell Biology International CrossRef
  4. Analysis of DNA methylation using pyrosequencing
    Ashish Kumar et al, 2020, Epigenetics Methods CrossRef
  5. PRDM8 exhibits antitumor activities toward hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting NAP1L1
    Zhiqiang Chen et al, 2018, Hepatology CrossRef
  6. Internal Promoters and Their Effects on the Transcription of Operon Genes for Epothilone Production in Myxococcus xanthus
    Ye Wang et al, 2021, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology CrossRef