1. IL-6 and Breast Cancer Risk: No More Than the Tip of an Iceberg?
    Raffaella Mormile, 2020, Indian Journal of Clinical Medicine CrossRef
  2. The relationship between TRAF6 and tumors
    Jiaoduan Li et al, 2020, Cancer Cell International CrossRef
  3. Potential therapeutic applications of circular RNA in acute kidney injury
    Zheng Li et al, 2024, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy CrossRef
  4. Combined administration of a small-molecule inhibitor of TRAF6 and Docetaxel reduces breast cancer skeletal metastasis and osteolysis
    Ryan T. Bishop et al, 2020, Cancer Letters CrossRef
  5. Mechanism by which TRAF6 Participates in the Immune Regulation of Autoimmune Diseases and Cancer
    Jingjing Wang et al, 2020, BioMed Research International CrossRef
  6. TRAF6 promotes chemoresistance to paclitaxel of triple negative breast cancer via regulating PKM2‐mediated glycolysis
    Han Xu et al, 2023, Cancer Medicine CrossRef
  7. A20 Enhances the Expression of the Proto-Oncogene C-Myc by Downregulating TRAF6 Ubiquitination after ALV-A Infection
    Xueyang Chen et al, 2022, Viruses CrossRef