1. Differential Expression Profiles and Functional Analysis of Long Non-coding RNAs in Children With Dilated Cardiomyopathy
    Dongxiao Cai et al, 2021, Front. Pediatr. CrossRef
  2. Multiomics Analysis of Transcriptome, Epigenome, and Genome Uncovers Putative Mechanisms for Dilated Cardiomyopathy
    Li Liu et al, 2021, BioMed Research International CrossRef
  3. Long Non-coding RNA: A Key Regulator in the Pathogenesis of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
    Yaoyao Guo et al, 2021, Front. Cardiovasc. Med. CrossRef
  4. The Emerging Role of Epigenetics in Therapeutic Targeting of Cardiomyopathies
    Christina Pagiatakis et al, 2021, IJMS CrossRef
  5. Metabolic Processes are Potential Biological Processes Distinguishing Nonischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy from Ischemic Cardiomyopathy: A Clue from Serum Proteomics
    Guangyong Huang et al, 2021, PGPM CrossRef
  6. Pathogenetics of Cardiomyopathy
    A. N. Kucher et al, 2023, Russ J Genet CrossRef
  7. Pathogenetics of Cardiomyopathy
    A. N. Kucher et al, 2023, Genetika CrossRef
  8. A statistical model to identify hereditary and epigenetic fusion genes associated with dilated cardiomyopathy
    Ling Fei et al, 2024, Front. Genet. CrossRef