1. Tumor-homing bacterium-adsorbed liposomes encapsulating perfluorohexane/doxorubicin enhance pulsed-focused ultrasound for tumor therapy
    Xia Ou et al, 2023, RSC Advances CrossRef
  2. Integrative analysis of autophagy-related genes reveals that CAPNS1 is a novel prognostic biomarker and promotes the malignancy of melanoma via Notch signaling pathway
    Mengru Gao, 2024, American Journal of Cancer Research CrossRef
  3. Cancer Metabolism: The Role of ROS in DNA Damage and Induction of Apoptosis in Cancer Cells
    Yongxia Zhao et al, 2023, Metabolites CrossRef
  4. Sunset Yellow protects against oxidative damage and exhibits chemoprevention in chemically induced skin cancer model
    Saurabh Singh et al, 2024, npj Systems Biology and Applications CrossRef
  5. Naturally Derived Phenethyl Isothiocyanate Modulates Induction of Oxidative Stress via Its N-Acetylated Cysteine Conjugated form in Malignant Melanoma
    Sotiris Kyriakou et al, 2024, Antioxidants CrossRef