1. miR-142-3p Suppresses Invasion and Adhesion of Mesothelioma Cells by Downregulating ITGAV
    Ihiro Endo et al, 2023, Pathobiology CrossRef
  2. Tumor-Educated Platelet miR-18a-3p as a Novel Liquid-Biopsy Biomarker for Early Diagnosis and Chemotherapy Efficacy Monitoring in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
    Kaiyu Sun et al, 2021, Frontiers in Oncology CrossRef
  3. Micro-RNA-215 and -375 regulate thymidylate synthase protein expression in pleural mesothelioma and mediate epithelial to mesenchymal transition
    Francesca Napoli et al, 2022, Virchows Archiv CrossRef