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  2. Preclinical Evidence of STAT3 Inhibitor Pacritinib Overcoming Temozolomide Resistance via Downregulating miR-21-Enriched Exosomes from M2 Glioblastoma-Associated Macrophages
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  3. Potential Therapeutic Effects of Exosomes Packed With a miR-21-Sponge Construct in a Rat Model of Glioblastoma
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  4. Induction of premature senescence and a less-fibrogenic phenotype by programmed cell death 4 knockdown in the human hepatic stellate cell line Lieming Xu-2
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  5. PDCD4 Knockdown Induces Senescence in Hepatoma Cells by Up-Regulating the p21 Expression
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  6. PDCD4 regulates axonal growth by translational repression of neurite growth-related genes and is modulated during nerve injury responses
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  7. Relevance of Translation Initiation in Diffuse Glioma Biology and its Therapeutic Potential
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  8. Circular Antisense Oligonucleotides for Specific RNase-H-Mediated microRNA Inhibition with Reduced Off-Target Effects and Nonspecific Immunostimulation
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