1. Effect of cell phone-like electromagnetic radiation on primary human thyroid cells
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  2. RF‐EMF exposure at 1800 MHz did not elicit DNA damage or abnormal cellular behaviors in different neurogenic cells
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  3. Analyses of temporal and spatial patterns of glioblastoma multiforme and other brain cancer subtypes in relation to mobile phones using synthetic counterfactuals
    Frank de Vocht, 2019, Environmental Research CrossRef
  4. Case-Control Study on Occupational Exposure to Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields and the Association with Meningioma
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  5. Current treatment options for meningioma
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  6. Brain and Salivary Gland Tumors and Mobile Phone Use: Evaluating the Evidence from Various Epidemiological Study Designs
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  7. Thermal and non-thermal health effects of low intensity non-ionizing radiation: An international perspective
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  8. Mobile phone use and risk for intracranial tumors
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  9. The effect of exposure to radiofrequency fields on cancer risk in the general and working population: A systematic review of human observational studies – Part I: Most researched outcomes
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  10. Cellular Telephone Use and the Risk of Brain Tumors: Update of the UK Million Women Study
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  11. Electromagnetic Fields and Micronuclei
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  12. Increasing Rates of Brain Tumours in the Swedish National Inpatient Register and the Causes of Death Register
    Lennart Hardell et al, 2015, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health CrossRef
  13. Patterns of cellular phone use among young people in 12 countries: Implications for RF exposure
    Chelsea E. Langer et al, 2017, Environment International CrossRef
  14. Wireless phone use and adult meningioma risk: a systematic review and Meta-analysis
    Fajun Chen et al, 2021, British Journal of Neurosurgery CrossRef
  15. It is mandatory to review environmental radiofrequency electromagnetic field measurement protocols and exposure regulations: An opinion article
    Isabel López et al, 2022, Frontiers in Public Health CrossRef
  16. Relationship between radiofrequency-electromagnetic radiation from cellular phones and brain tumor: meta-analyses using various proxies for RF-EMR exposure-outcome assessment
    Jinyoung Moon et al, 2024, Environmental Health CrossRef
  17. Lost opportunities for cancer prevention: historical evidence on early warnings with emphasis on radiofrequency radiation
    Lennart Hardell et al, 2021, Reviews on Environmental Health CrossRef
  18. Cancer epidemiology update, following the 2011 IARC evaluation of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (Monograph 102)
    Anthony B. Miller et al, 2018, Environmental Research CrossRef