1. Scientific and clinical relevance of non-cellular tumor microenvironment components in ovarian cancer chemotherapy resistance
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  2. Proton pump inhibitors display antiā€tumour potential in glioma
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  3. Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: Microenvironment and Immunecheck Point Inhibitors
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  4. Lipopolysaccharide-Educated Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Facilitate Malignant Progression of Ovarian Cancer Cells via the NF-kB/IL-6/JAK2 Signal Transduction
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  5. STING inhibitors sensitize platinum chemotherapy in ovarian cancer by inhibiting the CGAS-STING pathway in cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs)
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  6. Integrated analysis of single-cell and bulk RNA-sequencing identifies a signature based on drug response genes to predict prognosis and therapeutic response in ovarian cancer
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  7. Secreted Soluble Factors from Tumor-Activated Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Confer Platinum Chemoresistance to Ovarian Cancer Cells
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  8. Multicompartmentalized Microvascularized Tumor-on-a-Chip to Study Tumor-Stroma Interactions and Drug Resistance in Ovarian Cancer
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  9. Long noncoding RNAs as therapeutic targets to overcome chemoresistance in ovarian cancer
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  10. Advances in the structure, mechanism and targeting of chemoresistance-linked ABC transporters
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  11. Expression of human dCTP pyrophosphatase 1 (DCTPP1) and its association with cisplatin resistance characteristics in ovarian cancer
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