1. Cancer and the Microbiome of the Human Body
    Lourdes Herrera-Quintana et al, 2024, Nutrients CrossRef
  2. Metabolites: a converging node of host and microbe to explain meta-organism
    Nabarun Chakraborty, 2024, Frontiers in Microbiology CrossRef
  3. The interactions between traditional Chinese medicine and gut microbiota in cancers: Current status and future perspectives
    Xuejiao Wei et al, 2024, Pharmacological Research CrossRef
  4. Current Trends and Challenges of Microbiome Research in Prostate Cancer
    Shaun Trecarten et al, 2024, Current Oncology Reports CrossRef
  5. Microbiome and Prostate Cancer: Emerging Diagnostic and Therapeutic Opportunities
    Sung Jin Kim et al, 2024, Pharmaceuticals CrossRef