1. Editorial: Celebrating the 200th mendel’s anniversary: gene-targeted diagnostics and therapies for cancer
    Noah Federman et al, 2024, Frontiers in Molecular Medicine CrossRef
  2. The advent of a pan-collagenous CLOVIS POINT for pathotropic targeting and cancer gene therapy, a retrospective
    Erlinda M. Gordon et al, 2023, Frontiers in Molecular Medicine CrossRef
  3. Our Journey Beyond Sunset Boulevard: Evidence-Based Analysis of Tumor-Targeted Cancer Gene Therapy Shines a Critical Spotlight on Long-Term Cancer-Free Survival
    Frederick L. Hall et al, 2021, Our Journey Beyond Sunset Boulevard - Evidence-based Analysis of Tumor-Targeted Gene- and Immuno-Therapies Shine a Critical Spotlight on “True” Long-Term Cancer-Free Survival CrossRef