Fan Zhu

Wuhan University, China

  • Orcid: 0000-0001-7031-2956
  • Publications: 50
  • Citations: 1433
  • Keywords: virus, tumor, neuropyschological disease
Short Bio
  • Dr. Fan ZHU is a Luojia Scholar Distinguished Professor at Wuhan University (2013-present). He is a professor and director at the department of medical microbiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Wuhan University, China. He had a Bachelor of Science and Ph.D. in microbiology from Wuhan University, China. He once was a “C.J. & Ha Lin Yip Huang Graduate Biomedical Scholars Fund” recipient and spent postdoctoral studies at Stanford University for two years. He is mainly engaged in the research work of medical virology. His research interests are Pathogenic mechanism of DNA and RNA retroviruses (Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Human Endogenous Retrovirus (HERV)), the molecular mechanism, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases (especially tumor and neurologic diseases) caused by HBV or HERV.