Abdel Halim Harrath

King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

  • Orcid: 0000-0002-2170-1303
  • Publications: 216
  • Citations: 5297
  • Keywords: Biological Systems, Fetal programming, Toxicology
Short Bio
  • Dr. Abdel Halim Harrath is a Professor of cell and Developmental Biology at King Saud University. His overarching interests in fetal programming of diseases, and how biological factors (environmental perturbations) affect the health of the new generations are reflected in an extensive research portfolio that includes Physiology, Cell and Developmental Biology, Toxicology and Pharmacology. Additionally, he tries using advanced techniques and experimental approaches to examine the mechanisms and areas of possible application of plant extracts, seed components as well as new synthesized molecules in control of different biological disruptions. This can lead to new research advances and guidance to improve human health for the future generations.