Stéphane Terry

University of Paris-Saclay, France

  • Orcid: 0000-0003-3089-7886
  • Publications: 56
  • Citations: 2895
  • Keywords: cancer biology, therapy resistance, immune evasion
Short Bio
  • Stéphane Terry (PhD) is a Senior Scientist at Gustave Roussy Cancer Center in France. Dr. Terry received his Ph.D. degree in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of Paris Sud, University Paris-Saclay. Specializing on cancer biology and therapy resistance mechanisms, his graduate and postdoctoral work focused on prostate cancer. He worked with scientists (R. Buttyan, F. Vacherot, A. Londoño-Vallejo, D.S. Salomon) and clinicians (M.A. Rubin, A. de la Taille, G. Ploussard, Y. Allory, D.K. Chopin) to characterize cellular events and pathways driving progression and drug resistance of prostate tumors. He joined UMR 1186 at Gustave Roussy in 2014 to work with immunologists (Dr S. Chouaib, Dr F. Mami-Chouaib). Active in the area of tumor immunology, his current research as PI is focused on investigating the mechanisms driving tumor plasticity and identify molecular pathways allowing cancer cells to escape anti-tumor immunity in different types of cancer. His ultimate goal is to develop combinatorial therapies for the prevention of tumor resistance and treatment of aggressive diseases, as well as develop biomarkers able to guide therapeutic decisions