Journal Articles


Ras inhibitors

T Hiwasa

Pages: 7-14 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Serum thymidine kinase as a tumor marker of colorectal carcinogenesis induced with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine in rats

K Kuwa, H Kudo, S Sakamoto

Pages: 15-16 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Tamoxifen in patients with advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma

S Mikulski

Pages: 17-19 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Radiation-induced heart disease

M Tritto, P Calabrese

Pages: 21-26 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Transformed cells trigger induction of their own apoptosis in coculture with normal cells

K Hackenjos, C Langer, S Zabel, G Bauer

Pages: 27-31 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Azatyrosine inhibits the activation of c-Raf-1, c-Jun and AP1 but not the activation of Ras during signal transduction triggered by oncogenic c-ErbB-2

Y Monden, T Nakamura, K Kojiri, N ShindoOkada, S Nishimura

Pages: 33-40 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Evaluation of MTX/5-FU sequential chemotherapy utilized MTT assay for gastrointestinal cancer

M Tani, H Tanimura, H Yamaue, T Hotta, M Iwahashi, H Terasawa, M Nakamori, Y Shono, N Nishimoto

Pages: 41-43 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction and postoperative prognosis in patients with gastric carcinoma

M Iwahashi, H Tanimura, H Yamaue, T Tsunoda, M Tani, K Noguchi, S Mizobata, M Tamai, T Hotta, K Arii, H Terasawa

Pages: 45-48 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Stimulation of the expression of rhoB contributes to the ability of azatyrosine to convert c-erbB-2-transformed cells to a normal morphology

Y Monden, T Nakamura, K Kojiri, N ShindoOkada, S Nishimura

Pages: 49-55 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Expression of the retinoblastoma gene product in clinical thyroid tissues

Y Ito, T Kobayashi, T Takeda, E Wakasugi, Y Tamaki, K Umeshita, T Monden, M Monden

Pages: 57-62 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Neural cell adhesion molecule expression in thyroid cancer

Y Miyajima, S Ota, H Yasukawa, M Zenmyou, M Morimatsu, S Kashiwagi, M Hirano

Pages: 63-67 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Serum soluble interleukin-2 receptor and immunohistochemical staining of IL-2R/Tac antigen in gastric cancer

S Murakami, A Satomi, K Ishida, H Sakata, Y Tsuji, S Hibino

Pages: 69-73 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Expression of IGF-I, TGF-alpha and p53 protein in imprint smears of bronchial biopsy specimens of lung cancer

D Orphanidou, P Athanasiadou, M Toumbis, E Petrakakou, K Dimakou, K Kyrkou, A Rasidakis, J Jordanoglou

Pages: 75-80 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Lectin bindings in non-neoplastic esophageal epithelium and esophageal carcinomas

K Shirai, H Senzaki, Y Uemura, A Tsubura

Pages: 81-85 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Difference in histological activity of non-tumorous liver tissue between hepatitis B virus- and hepatitis C virus-associated hepatocellular carcinoma without cirrhosis

T Muro, K Nakata, H Kamito, Y Kato, K Nakao, K Toriyama, S Tsuruta, Y Shibata, T Arima, S Nagataki

Pages: 87-89 Published online on: 01 January 1996

The retrospective assessment of surgical resection in the management of small cell carcinoma of the lung

Y Mizushima, H Noto, S Sugiyama, Y Kusajima, R Yamashita, M Kobayashi

Pages: 91-94 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Evaluation of the soluble fragments of cytokeratin 19 (CK19) in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)

E Seregni, P Foa, A Bogni, C Botti, I Cataldo, M Sala, M Mezzetti, M Gasparini, L Santambrogio, D Legnani, E Bombardieri

Pages: 95-101 Published online on: 01 January 1996

The riminophenazine agents clofazimine and B669 inhibit the proliferation of intrinsically multidrug resistant carcinoma cell lines.

C VanRensburg, A Theron, P Chasen

Pages: 103-106 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Treatment results and long-term follow-up in stage I seminoma patients.

G Hofmockel, M Theiss, A Gruss

Pages: 107-110 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Granulosa cell tumor arising in the ovary irradiated 22 years earlier for endometrial stromal sarcoma.

A Kataoka, T Nishida, T Sugiyama, H Yamanaka, M Yakushiji

Pages: 111-113 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Emetic control in breast cancer patients receiving iv CMF

M Martin, E Aranda, E DiazRubio, A Casado, M Rubio, J Valverde, J LopezMartin, A RodriguezLescure, I Barneto, R Gonzalez

Pages: 115-121 Published online on: 01 January 1996

A case of advanced endometrial cancer with lung metastasis effectively treated with carboplatin and pirarubicin intra-arterial administration

Y Hasuo, T Nishida, H Eguchi, H Kuromastu, H Tanaka, T Sugiyama, M Yakushiji

Pages: 123-124 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Inhibitory effect of genistein on a tumor promoter-induced c-fos and c-jun expression in mouse skin

H Wei, S Barnes, Y Wang

Pages: 125-128 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma associated with extrahepatic primary cancer

Y Une, H Ishizu, J Uchino

Pages: 129-132 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Hyaluronic acid modulates glioma cell proliferation through its interaction with CD44H in vitro

S Koochekpour, G Pilkington

Pages: 133-135 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Isolation of a cDNA for the human homolog of MAT-1 oncogene and its expression in human breast cancer cells

G Bandyopadhyay, T Bera, J Yang, R Guzman, S Nandi

Pages: 137-140 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Basic mutant Max reverses a c-Myc block to differentiation

C Cultraro, T Cogliati, L Hearing, S Segal

Pages: 141-146 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Collagen markers during anticancer therapy for lung cancer

E Gabazza, O Taguchi, M Yoshida, T Yamakami, H Kobayashi, T Shima

Pages: 147-150 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Antitumor effect of the angiogenesis inhibitor TNP-470 and its combination effect with 5-FU and PSK in colon 26 tumors

M Kitamura, K Arai, Y Iwasaki, M Toi

Pages: 151-153 Published online on: 01 January 1996

ABCVEP (I) treatment for advanced intermediate grade and high grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

Y Kuraishi, N Usui, T Kobayashi, T Nakamura, H Yamazaki, H Kaito, T Unosawa, A Kato, H Mihara, S Yano, Y Isogai, K Takagi

Pages: 155-159 Published online on: 01 January 1996

GTP-binding protein and its associated event in membranes from endometrial carcinoma

H Takagi, A Imai, S Horibe, T Fuseya, T Tamaya

Pages: 161-163 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Glycolytic profile in normal brain tissue and gliomas determined by a micro-method analysis

S Oudard, L Miccoli, B Guthauser, A Vassault, H Magdelenat, B Dutrillaux, M Poupon

Pages: 165-170 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Novel mouse repetitive element structures in an embryonal carcinoma mutant cell line

R Gama, Y Du, J Bauman, T Chan, P McCormick

Pages: 171-174 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Melanoma-specific cytotoxicity of a human MGSA/GRO alpha C-terminal peptide conjugated to daunorubicin

P Roby, M Page

Pages: 175-179 Published online on: 01 January 1996

nm23-H1 protein immunohistochemical expression in human breast cancer

A Russo, V Bazan, V Morello, C Valli, E Giarnieri, G Dardanoni, S Cucciarre, I Carreca, P Bazan, R Tomasino, A Vecchione

Pages: 183-189 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Effect of hypoxia on the frequency of bleomycin-induced micronuclei.

K Hahn, M Barnhill

Pages: 191-195 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Fluorescence polarization changes in the lymphocytic cytoplasm in the various stages of breast cancer

I Ron, M Deutsch, O Merimsky, R Tirosh, H Rachmani, M Kaufman, A Weinreb, S Chaitchik

Pages: 197-199 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Stimulatory effects of amphetamine on the development of Walker-256 carcinoma lung metastases in rats

M FreireGarabal, M NunezIglesias, C Losada, M PereiroRaposo, C CastroBolano, J Heras, P Riveiro, J Mayan, M ReyMendez

Pages: 201-204 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Topical prostaglandin E2 and chemo- and radio-induced oral mucositis

M Maltoni, E Sansoni, S Derni, C Milandri, F Martini, O Nanni, L Fabbri, D Amadori

Pages: 205-208 Published online on: 01 January 1996

DES-ja vu

D Schapira, L Garland

Pages: 209-212 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Phorbol ester stimulated Cip1 expression in p53-negative leukemic cells

J DeVente, W Bryant, K Posekany, T Garris, J Chen, J Carey, P Cook, K Ways

Pages: 213-217 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Antimetastatic effects associated with anticoagulant properties of heparin and chemically modified heparin species in a mouse mammary tumor model

D Alonso, G Bertolesi, E Farias, A Eijan, E Joffe, L De Cidre

Pages: 219-222 Published online on: 01 January 1996

Effect of 5-fluorouracil treatment on IL-2R gene expression in gastric carcinoma patients

K Suresh, K Jayavardhanan, D Vasudevan

Pages: 223-225 Published online on: 01 January 1996
Journal Cover

January 1996
Volume 3 Issue 1

Print ISSN: 1021-335X
Online ISSN: 1791-2431

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