Chien-Feng Li

Chi-Mei Foundational Medical Center, Taiwan

  • Publications: N/A
  • Citations: N/A
  • Keywords: Cancer, Sarcoma, Urothelial, Carcinoma
Short Bio
  • As a pathologist, Dr. Li is devoted to molecular diagnostics of cancer, seeking the utilities of next-generation sequencing (NGS) in profiling cancer genomics. Acting in his capacity as director of pathology and laboratory medicine at Chi Mei Healthcare system, his top priorities are to ensure laboratory quality, integrate cutting-edge science, and introduce innovative technologies. He is also affiliated with Department of Medical Research, serving as an investigator and the principal investigator of the “Translational Research Laboratory of Human Cancers” for years. Dr. Li’s research focuses on investigating the effect of genetic, epigenetic, expression, and metabolic alternations on cancer progression and metastasis. With the access to the large-scale clinical samples and advanced molecular, metabolic and functional evaluation, he has been working on the oncogenic properties of metabolic transformations and experimental therapeutics with special attention to sarcomas, for which he had eight articles published in Clin Cancer Res. and one in Oncogene (all as major authors). Furthermore, he has been dedicated to studying the pathogenesis and therapy resistance in urothelial cancer, for which he had five articles published in Clin Cancer Res., Cancer Res., and Theranotics (all as major authors). Besides, involved in several international collaborations, he has been committed to researching genome and/or epigenetic regulation and the oncogenic roles of critical E3 ligases - Skp2, RNF8, HectH9, etc. From that 12 articles were published (as 2nd or 3rd author), two of which were published in Cell, two in Nat Cell Biol., four in Mol Cell., and three in Nat Comm. Currently, he is concentrating on finding out how the metabolic characters of cancer implicate tumor progression and how metabolic aberrations induce/enhance mutagenesis. The latter is featured by a large-scale academic-industrial collaboration with more than 1000 cancer samples for DNA sequencing by NGS and for metabolic detection and further extensive functional and animal studies.