Differentiation between sessile serrated adenoma/polyp and non-sessile serrated adenoma/polyp in large hyper plastic polyp: A Japanese collaborative study

  • Authors:
    • Yosuke Shida
    • Kazuhito Ichikawa
    • Takahiro Fujimori
    • Yukari Fujimori
    • Shigeki Tomita
    • Takahiro Fujii
    • Yasushi Sano
    • Yasushi Oda
    • Hideyo Goto
    • Akihiko Ohta
    • Shinji Tanaka
    • Tamotsu Sugai
    • Takashi Yao
    • Yasuo Ohkura
    • Johji Imura
    • Hiroyuki Kato
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: September 7, 2012     https://doi.org/10.3892/mco.2012.20
  • Pages: 53-58
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A hyperplastic polyp (HP) >10 mm is described as a large hyperplastic polyp (LHP). Previous studies have considered LHP and sessile serrated adenoma/polyp (SSA/P) as synonymous. Although HP and SSA/P have previously been morphologically distinguished, differences between LHP and SSA/P have not yet been reported. The present study aimed to define the differences between SSA/P and non-SSA/P in LHP using immunohistochemistry for Ki67. Colorectal serrated lesions (>10 mm) that were completely resected by endoscope and derived from 11 institutions in Japan [Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine (Mibu), Takahiro Fujii Clinic (Tokyo), Sano Hospital (Kobe), Oda GI Clinic, Hattori GI Endoscopy and Oncology Clinic (Kumamoto), Ohta Clinic (Nagoya), Hiroshima University (Hiroshima), Iwate Medical University (Morioka), Juntendo and Kyorin Universities (Tokyo) as well as Toyama University (Toyama)] affiliated with the Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR) between January 2003 and December 2010 were selected. The histological criteria of the Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR, project meeting; editor-in chief, Takashi Yao) were used to distinguish SSA/P and non-SSA/P from LHP. Non-SSA/P comprises both incomplete SSA/P and HP. A total of 154 samples diagnosed as SSA/P or non-SSA/P from 148 patients were used. This study comprised 107 SSA/P and 47 non-SSA/P cases, whereby lesions were located on the right side of the colon (73.2 and 26.8%, respectively). Ki67‑positivity in SSA/Ps was significantly higher compared to non-SSA/Ps. A greater number of SSA/Ps in LHP were located on the right side of the colon compared to the left side. SSA/Ps occurring on the right side of the colon may be precursor lesions of colorectal carcinoma in serrated neoplasia pathways. In conclusion, LHPs and SSA/Ps limited to the right side of the colon are suggested to be clinically treated as the same type of lesions.
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January-February 2013
Volume 1 Issue 1

Print ISSN: 2049-9450
Online ISSN:2049-9469

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Spandidos Publications style
Shida Y, Ichikawa K, Fujimori T, Fujimori Y, Tomita S, Fujii T, Sano Y, Oda Y, Goto H, Ohta A, Ohta A, et al: Differentiation between sessile serrated adenoma/polyp and non-sessile serrated adenoma/polyp in large hyper plastic polyp: A Japanese collaborative study. Mol Clin Oncol 1: 53-58, 2013.
Shida, Y., Ichikawa, K., Fujimori, T., Fujimori, Y., Tomita, S., Fujii, T. ... Kato, H. (2013). Differentiation between sessile serrated adenoma/polyp and non-sessile serrated adenoma/polyp in large hyper plastic polyp: A Japanese collaborative study. Molecular and Clinical Oncology, 1, 53-58. https://doi.org/10.3892/mco.2012.20
Shida, Y., Ichikawa, K., Fujimori, T., Fujimori, Y., Tomita, S., Fujii, T., Sano, Y., Oda, Y., Goto, H., Ohta, A., Tanaka, S., Sugai, T., Yao, T., Ohkura, Y., Imura, J., Kato, H."Differentiation between sessile serrated adenoma/polyp and non-sessile serrated adenoma/polyp in large hyper plastic polyp: A Japanese collaborative study". Molecular and Clinical Oncology 1.1 (2013): 53-58.
Shida, Y., Ichikawa, K., Fujimori, T., Fujimori, Y., Tomita, S., Fujii, T., Sano, Y., Oda, Y., Goto, H., Ohta, A., Tanaka, S., Sugai, T., Yao, T., Ohkura, Y., Imura, J., Kato, H."Differentiation between sessile serrated adenoma/polyp and non-sessile serrated adenoma/polyp in large hyper plastic polyp: A Japanese collaborative study". Molecular and Clinical Oncology 1, no. 1 (2013): 53-58. https://doi.org/10.3892/mco.2012.20