Serum LDL cholesterol concentration and lipoprotein electrophoresis pattern in patients with small cell lung cancer.

  • Authors:
    • K Siemianowicz
    • J Gminski
    • M Stajszczyk
    • W Wojakowski
    • M Goss
    • M Machalski
    • A Telega
    • K Brulinski
    • H Magiera-Molendowska
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: January 1, 2000
  • Pages: 55-62
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Epidemiological studies show that people with low level of total cholesterol have a greater risk of death due to cancer, predominantly lung cancer. The aim of our study was to evaluate serum level of LDL cholesterol and lipoprotein electrophoresis pattern in patients with small cell lung cancer and their dependence on clinical stage of the neoplasm. The studied group consisted of 34 patients with newly diagnosed small cell lung cancer and 39 healthy controls. Fasting level of LDL cholesterol was analyzed and lipoprotein electrophoresis was performed. There were no statistically significant differences of evaluated serum lipid parameters between lung cancer patients and controls, and between the clinical stages of small cell lung cancer.

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Jan 2000
Volume 5 Issue 1

Print ISSN: 1107-3756
Online ISSN:1791-244X

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Spandidos Publications style
Siemianowicz K, Gminski J, Stajszczyk M, Wojakowski W, Goss M, Machalski M, Telega A, Brulinski K and Magiera-Molendowska H: Serum LDL cholesterol concentration and lipoprotein electrophoresis pattern in patients with small cell lung cancer.. Int J Mol Med 5: 55-62, 2000.
Siemianowicz, K., Gminski, J., Stajszczyk, M., Wojakowski, W., Goss, M., Machalski, M. ... Magiera-Molendowska, H. (2000). Serum LDL cholesterol concentration and lipoprotein electrophoresis pattern in patients with small cell lung cancer.. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 5, 55-62.
Siemianowicz, K., Gminski, J., Stajszczyk, M., Wojakowski, W., Goss, M., Machalski, M., Telega, A., Brulinski, K., Magiera-Molendowska, H."Serum LDL cholesterol concentration and lipoprotein electrophoresis pattern in patients with small cell lung cancer.". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 5.1 (2000): 55-62.
Siemianowicz, K., Gminski, J., Stajszczyk, M., Wojakowski, W., Goss, M., Machalski, M., Telega, A., Brulinski, K., Magiera-Molendowska, H."Serum LDL cholesterol concentration and lipoprotein electrophoresis pattern in patients with small cell lung cancer.". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 5, no. 1 (2000): 55-62.