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Real‑world data in elderly men from Yokosuka City 15 years after introducing prostate‑specific antigen‑based population screening.

  • Authors:
    • Takuma Nirei
    • Tadashi Tabei
    • Naoki Sakai
    • Hideshige Koh
    • Minoru Yoshida
    • Atsushi Fujikawa
    • Hiroki Ito
    • Sohgo Tsutsumi
    • Souichi Furuhata
    • Sumio Noguchi
    • Masataka Taguri
    • Kazuki Kobayashi
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: December 20, 2021
  • Article Number: 38
  • Copyright: © Nirei et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Mass screening based on prostate‑specific antigen (PSA) reduces mortality in prostate cancer. However, the effectiveness of this screening in the elderly has not been demonstrated. In the city of Yokosuka, Japan, PSA screening has been conducted since 2001 and the present study examined the real‑world status of PSA‑based population screening in the elderly. It retrospectively evaluated 1,117 prostate cancer patients >75 years of age. The patients were divided into two groups: The screened group comprising patients diagnosed by PSA‑based population screening or workplace screening and PSA follow‑up patients at urology clinics; and the non‑screened group comprising patients detected by other methods. Overall survival (OS), cancer‑specific survival (CSS) and factors contributing to shorter CSS between the groups were compared. In patients >75 years of age, the screened group had significantly longer OS (171 vs. 154 months; P=0.019) and CSS (median not reached; P=0.020) but screening was not an independent factor associated with prolonged OS or CSS on multivariate analysis. The factors contributing to shorten CSS in the elderly were ≥T3 (odds ratio: 3.301 [1.704‑6.369], P<0.001), M1 (odds ratio: 4.856 [2.809‑8.393], P<0.001) and Gleason score ≥8 (odds ratio: 4.691 [2.479‑8.876], P<0.001). In those with metastasis, PSA screening was not associated with prolonged OS or CSS. Real‑world data 15 years after introducing PSA‑based population screening was not an independent factor for both OS and CSS in multivariate analyses for patients >75 years of age.
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Volume 16 Issue 2

Print ISSN: 2049-9450
Online ISSN:2049-9469

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Spandidos Publications style
Nirei T, Tabei T, Sakai N, Koh H, Yoshida M, Fujikawa A, Ito H, Tsutsumi S, Furuhata S, Noguchi S, Noguchi S, et al: Real‑world data in elderly men from Yokosuka City 15 years after introducing prostate‑specific antigen‑based population screening.. Mol Clin Oncol 16: 38, 2022.
Nirei, T., Tabei, T., Sakai, N., Koh, H., Yoshida, M., Fujikawa, A. ... Kobayashi, K. (2022). Real‑world data in elderly men from Yokosuka City 15 years after introducing prostate‑specific antigen‑based population screening.. Molecular and Clinical Oncology, 16, 38.
Nirei, T., Tabei, T., Sakai, N., Koh, H., Yoshida, M., Fujikawa, A., Ito, H., Tsutsumi, S., Furuhata, S., Noguchi, S., Taguri, M., Kobayashi, K."Real‑world data in elderly men from Yokosuka City 15 years after introducing prostate‑specific antigen‑based population screening.". Molecular and Clinical Oncology 16.2 (2022): 38.
Nirei, T., Tabei, T., Sakai, N., Koh, H., Yoshida, M., Fujikawa, A., Ito, H., Tsutsumi, S., Furuhata, S., Noguchi, S., Taguri, M., Kobayashi, K."Real‑world data in elderly men from Yokosuka City 15 years after introducing prostate‑specific antigen‑based population screening.". Molecular and Clinical Oncology 16, no. 2 (2022): 38.