Linhong Deng

Changzhou University, China

  • Orcid: 0000-0003-1970-8239
  • Publications: 162
  • Citations: 3599
  • Keywords: cell mechanics, respiratory structure and function, lung, airways, smooth muscle
Short Bio
  • Linhong Deng, PhD in Bioengineering (Strathclyde U), postdoc fellow (Dalhousie U), Research Associate (Harvard U), Chang Jiang Distinguished Professorship (Chongqing U), and currently founding director of Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences at Changzhou University. Research interests include cell mechanics and cell mechanobiology, in particular mechanical behaviors of the airway smooth muscle cell in relation to asthma pathophysiology, with papers published in top journals including Nature, Nature Materials. Recognitions include AIMBE Fellowship (2015), Jiangsu Provincial Government Academic Leadership Award (2013), Chongqing Outstanding Scientific Talents (2011), National Returned Overseas Chinese Innovation Award (2010), Fast Breaking Paper by “Science Watch” ( 2008).