Open Access

Current views and advances on Paediatric Virology: An update for paediatric trainees (Review)

  • Authors:
    • Ioannis N. Mammas
    • Anne Greenough
    • Maria Theodoridou
    • Anna Kramvis
    • Iliana Christaki
    • Chryssie Koutsaftiki
    • Maria Koutsaki
    • Dimitra M. Portaliou
    • Georgia Kostagianni
    • Paraskevi Panagopoulou
    • George Sourvinos
    • Demetrios A. Spandidos
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: November 24, 2015
  • Pages: 6-14
  • Copyright: © Mammas et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Paediatric Virology is a bold new scientific field, which combines Paediatrics with Virology, Epidemiology, Molecular Medicine, Evidence-based Medicine, Clinical Governance, Quality Improvement, Pharmacology and Immunology. The Workshop on Paediatric Virology, which took place on Saturday October 10, 2015 in Athens, Greece, provided an overview of recent views and advances on viral infections occurring in neonates and children. It was included in the official programme of the 20th World Congress on Advances in Oncology and the 18th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine, which attracted over 500 delegates from the five continents. During the Workshop, the topics covered included the challenges of vaccine implementation against human papillomaviruses in countries under financial crisis, strategies for eradicating poliomyelitis and its 60th vaccine anniversary, as well as the debate on the association between autism and vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella. Among the non‑vaccine related topics, emphasis was given to viral infections in prematurely born infants and their long-term outcomes, new paediatric intensive care management options for bronchiolitis related to respiratory syncytial virus, the clinical implications of hepatitis B virus and cytomegalovirus genotyping, the Ebola virus threat and preparedness in Paediatric Emergency Departments, oral, oropharynx, laryngeal, nasal and ocular viral infections and Merkel cell polyomavirus as a novel emerging virus of infancy and childhood. In this review, we provide selected presentations and reports discussed at the Workshop.
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Volume 11 Issue 1

Print ISSN: 1792-0981
Online ISSN:1792-1015

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Mammas IN, Greenough A, Theodoridou M, Kramvis A, Christaki I, Koutsaftiki C, Koutsaki M, Portaliou DM, Kostagianni G, Panagopoulou P, Panagopoulou P, et al: Current views and advances on Paediatric Virology: An update for paediatric trainees (Review). Exp Ther Med 11: 6-14, 2016.
Mammas, I.N., Greenough, A., Theodoridou, M., Kramvis, A., Christaki, I., Koutsaftiki, C. ... Spandidos, D.A. (2016). Current views and advances on Paediatric Virology: An update for paediatric trainees (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 11, 6-14.
Mammas, I. N., Greenough, A., Theodoridou, M., Kramvis, A., Christaki, I., Koutsaftiki, C., Koutsaki, M., Portaliou, D. M., Kostagianni, G., Panagopoulou, P., Sourvinos, G., Spandidos, D. A."Current views and advances on Paediatric Virology: An update for paediatric trainees (Review)". Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 11.1 (2016): 6-14.
Mammas, I. N., Greenough, A., Theodoridou, M., Kramvis, A., Christaki, I., Koutsaftiki, C., Koutsaki, M., Portaliou, D. M., Kostagianni, G., Panagopoulou, P., Sourvinos, G., Spandidos, D. A."Current views and advances on Paediatric Virology: An update for paediatric trainees (Review)". Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 11, no. 1 (2016): 6-14.