Inhibitory effect of dipeptide alcohol derivatives containing mercapto group on eukaryotic DNA polymerase α

  • Authors:
    • Ikuo Kato
    • Isoko Kuriyama
    • Naoki Asano
    • Kyoko Ikeda
    • Hiromi Yoshida
    • Yoshiyuki Mizushina
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: October 1, 2005
  • Pages: 653-659
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We reported previously that a novel dipeptide alcohol, L-homoserylaminoethanol (Hse-Gly-ol), is a selective inhibitor of eukaryotic DNA polymerase ε (pol ε). The discovery suggests that the dipeptide structure could be a chemical frame for a DNA polymerase inhibitor. Therefore, we chemically synthesized 14 different species of dipeptide alcohols and their derivatives, and tested this inhibitory capability. The mercapto group in the dipeptide alcohol was found to be important, and compound 4 (L-cysteinylaminoethanol, Cys-Gly-ol) was the strongest pol α inhibitor. Compound 4 did not influence the activities of other replicative DNA polymerases such as δ and ε, and had no effect on the activities of prokaryotic DNA polymerases, nor DNA metabolic enzymes such as human immunodeficiency virus type-1 reverse transcriptase, T7 RNA polymerase and bovine deoxyribonuclease I. The inhibitory effect of compound 4 on pol α was dose-dependent, and 50% inhibition was observed at a concentration of 14.8 µM. Compound 4-induced inhibition of pol α activity was non-competitive with both the DNA template-primer and the nucleotide substrate. The relationships between the structures of dipeptide alcohol and the inhibition of eukaryotic DNA polymerases are discussed.

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October 2005
Volume 16 Issue 4

Print ISSN: 1107-3756
Online ISSN:1791-244X

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Spandidos Publications style
Kato I, Kuriyama I, Asano N, Ikeda K, Yoshida H and Mizushina Y: Inhibitory effect of dipeptide alcohol derivatives containing mercapto group on eukaryotic DNA polymerase α. Int J Mol Med 16: 653-659, 2005.
Kato, I., Kuriyama, I., Asano, N., Ikeda, K., Yoshida, H., & Mizushina, Y. (2005). Inhibitory effect of dipeptide alcohol derivatives containing mercapto group on eukaryotic DNA polymerase α. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 16, 653-659.
Kato, I., Kuriyama, I., Asano, N., Ikeda, K., Yoshida, H., Mizushina, Y."Inhibitory effect of dipeptide alcohol derivatives containing mercapto group on eukaryotic DNA polymerase α". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 16.4 (2005): 653-659.
Kato, I., Kuriyama, I., Asano, N., Ikeda, K., Yoshida, H., Mizushina, Y."Inhibitory effect of dipeptide alcohol derivatives containing mercapto group on eukaryotic DNA polymerase α". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 16, no. 4 (2005): 653-659.