Open Access

Zinc finger protein‑like 1 is a novel neuroendocrine biomarker for prostate cancer

Retraction in 10.3892/ijo.2025.5722

  • Authors:
    • Neshat Masud
    • Afaf Aldahish
    • Kenneth A. Iczkowski
    • Ajay Kale
    • Girish V. Shah
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: February 6, 2023
  • Article Number: 38
  • Copyright: © Masud et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Prostate‑derived calcitonin (CT) and its receptor induce tumorigenicity and increase metastatic potential of prostate cancer (PC). CT‑inducible genes in human prostate were identified by subtraction hybridization. Among these genes, zinc finger protein like 1 (ZFPL1) protein was interesting since it was abundantly expressed in malignant prostates but was almost absent in benign prostates. ZFPL1 expression was upregulated by CT and androgens, and ZFPL1 protein was secreted by prostate tumor cells through exosomal secretion. Serum levels of ZFPL1 in cancer patients were at least 4‑fold higher than those in the sera of cancer‑free individuals. Cell biology of ZFPL1 suggests its localization in Golgi bodies and exosomes, and its colocalization with chromogranin A and CD44. These results suggested that ZFPL1 is secreted by tumor cells of neuroendocrine (NE)/stem cell phenotype. The knockdown of endogenous ZFPL1 in (PC) cells led to a remarkable decrease in cell proliferation, and invasion while increasing their apoptosis. As expected, the overexpression of ZFPL1 in prostate cells had an opposite effect on these functions. The knockdown of ZFPL1 in PC cells also decreased Akt phosphorylation, suggesting the actions of ZFPL1 may be mediated through the PI3K‑Akt pathway. Moreover, the present results revealed that ZFPL1 is released by tumors cells of NE or androgen‑independent phenotype and its serum levels are significantly higher in cancer patients, suggesting that it may serve as a blood‑based non‑invasive biomarker of aggressive PC.


Prostate cancer (PC) is the second most common cancer and the sixth leading cause of cancer death among men worldwide (1,2). PC displays tremendous diversity in its characteristics from a slow-growing tumor of little clinical significance to an aggressively metastatic disease (3). This provides an enormous opportunity to identify multiple biomarkers representing different stages of cancer progression. Unfortunately, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is the only established blood biomarker for multiple purposes including PC detection, stratification of patients into prognostic risk groups, determination of overall tumor burden and tracking of response to a local or systemic treatment (4). Moreover, the prognosis of this disease is still assessed with routine pathological parameters such as Gleason score, number or percentage of positive cores and the maximum percentage of tumor involvement in any core (5).

PSA is a kallikrein protease produced predominantly by luminal cells of the prostate, but also secreted in small amounts by the pancreas and the uterus (6-9). PSA is not cancer-specific but is produced normally in the prostate; its levels increase in PC as well as several benign conditions such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate inflammation. As a result, the serum PSA test nonspecifically detects many benign conditions as well as many prostate tumors that are low-grade and thus indolent (10). Therefore, PSA-based diagnosis requires confirmation by invasive, repetitive and costly procedures such as transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy (11). On the other hand, ~15% of PC cases display low or normal serum PSA levels (12-15), a majority of which are highly aggressive with neuroendocrine (NE) features suggesting that the PSA test may not detect all lethal PCs requiring aggressive treatment.

It has been reported that calcitonin (CT) and its receptors (CTR) are expressed selectively by basal but not secretory cells of benign prostate epithelium. However, all cells of malignant prostate epithelium express CT and CTR, and their expression increase with tumor progression (16). Moreover, the activation of CT-CTR axis induces an invasive phenotype in benign prostate cells (17-19). To identify key factors associated with CT-CTR axis-induced tumorigenicity and metastasizing capacity of PC cells, CT-responsive genes from a PC cDNA library were identified by subtraction hybridization. In this process, it was possible to identify one gene, Zinc Finger Protein Like 1 (ZFPL1), which was selectively expressed only in malignant, but not in benign, prostate. Our further studies suggested that ZFPL1 protein is released into blood by exosomal secretion and may serve as a cancer-specific circulating biomarker.

Materials and methods


Frozen primary prostate tumors as well as tissue specimens of BPH and normal prostate were provided by Co-operative Tissue Network (CHTN; Durham, USA). PC tissue microarrays PR803c and PR955 were purchased from US Biomax, Inc. The tissue array TRP-1 was obtained from National Cancer Institute. Small interfering (si)RNAs to ZFPL-1 (cat. no. SR322240A, B, C) and non-sense siRNAs (cat. no. SR30004) were purchased from Origene Technologies, Inc. Transfection Reagent Lipofectamine 3000 (cat. no. L3000-001) was purchased from Invitrogen; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. β-actin antibody (cat. no. sc47778) was purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. Other antibodies used in the present study were purchased from following vendors: ZFPL1 [(cat. no. HPA014909) and CD63 (cat. no. SAB4700215); both from Sigma-Aldrich; Merck KGaA]; [cleaved caspase 3 (cat. no. 96615), Phospho (p)-AktThr308 (cat. no. 92755) Phospho-AktSer473 (cat. no. 92715) and Akt (cat. no. 9272); all from Cell Signaling Technology, Inc.]; [GM130 (cat. no. ab52649) and CD81 (cat. no. ab219209); both from Abcam]. R1881 (cat. no. 965-93-5; SigmaAldrich; Merck KGaA) is a synthetic androgen, binds strongly to the androgen receptor (AR), and has been used as an affinity label for AR in the prostate and in prostatic tumors. Dexamethasone water-soluble for cell culture (DEX; cat. no. D2915) was also purchased from SigmaAldrich; Merck KGaA.


Prostate tissue sections: The surgical pathology and autopsy specimen files at the University of Wisconsin Medical School were searched for all prostate needle biopsies, transurethral resection, prostatectomy and autopsy specimens with adenocarcinoma (particularly those with metastases). The inclusion criteria were males of age 50 years or greater, PC confirmed by histology. The exclusion criteria were those who had undergone partial or radical prostatectomy. Some specimens used for in situ hybridization were received from the department of Urology at the Louisiana State University Medical Center. These specimens were part of the institutional tissue banks, and not specially collected for the present study but were leftover specimens from patients visiting those departments for the treatment. However, written consent was provided by the patients at the time of tissue collection to the clinical teams. Therefore, the study falls under Exempt 4 category under federal guidelines. A total of 20 cases of pretreatment prostatic adenocarcinoma were selected, and these included 15 prostatectomy specimens. Among these, 7 were TNM stage T2, 8 were stage T3, three transurethral resections, one biopsy and one autopsy. Their Gleason scores varied from 3 to 10. The protocol for the use of leftover prostate tissue specimen was approved (approval no. ULM Protocol 74) by the institutional review boards at University of Louisiana at Monroe (LA, USA), University of Wisconsin (WI, USA) and Louisiana State University Medical Center (LA, USA). These PC specimens were classified into benign, high-grade PIN (HGPIN), well/moderately differentiated (Gleason score 1-6) and poorly differentiated cases (Gleason Score 7-10).

Serum samples

Serum samples of positively confirmed patients with PC were purchased from Individumed, Inc. The clinical profile of the patients was included with the samples that provided TNM stage, histology type, tumor grade and Gleason score for each sample. The protocol for the acquisition and assay of human serum samples was approved (approval no. ULM clinical study protocol 001) by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Louisiana at Monroe (LA, USA). The sera were used to examine ZFPL1 and PSA concentrations by immunosensor assay as described in the Results section.

Cell culture

LNCaP and LNCaP-C4 cells were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC). PC3-CTR cells were derived by stable expression of CTR in PC-3 cells as previously described (20-22). To ensure that the expression of CTR did not alter the characteristics of PC-3 parental cells, PC-3CTR cell line was authenticated by STR profiling of PC3-CTR and PC-3 cells at Johns Hopkins Cell line authentication core facility (Baltimore, USA). Similarly, cell line M1, was derived by stable transfection of negative CTR mutant in PC-3 cells and was identical to PC3 cell line. The cell lines were cultured in complete medium (RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum, 100 IU/ml penicillin G and 100 µg/ml streptomycin) (23). Other PC cell lines such as PC3M and DU-145 (obtained from MD Anderson Cancer Center and ATCC, respectively), or M1 were used in limited experiments (24). The purpose was to examine if the level of ZFPL1 expression varies with CTR activity.

Isolation of total and polyadenylated RNA

Confluent cultures of LNCaP cells were treated with or without 50 nM CT for 3 h, harvested and total RNA was extracted using RNAEasy kit (Qiagen, Inc.) according to the manufacturer's protocol. The samples were examined for purity and concentration by spectrophotometric measurement at A260/A280 (ND-1000; NanoDrop Technologies; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.) and RNA integrity by 1.5% electrophoresis on Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent Technologies, Inc.). The RNAs were reverse transcribed using Superscript IV First strand synthesis system (cat. no. 18091050; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.) and the first strand cDNAs were immobilized on Oligo (dT)25-Dynabeads™ according to the manufacturer's protocol.

Isolation of CT-induced genes

Isolation of CT-induced genes was accomplished by the modified procedure based on subtraction hybridization (25). In brief, polyadenylated mRNA from the CT-treated LNCaP cells was hybridized with the immobilized first-strand cDNA of untreated LNCaP cells. The supernatant containing subtracted mRNA was rehybridized with a second batch of subtractor cDNA-coated dynabeads. After the final hybridization step, the subtracted mRNAs were reverse transcribed to radio-labelled cDNAs, and were used as probes to screen a human prostate cDNA library (26,27).

Identification of CT-induced mRNAs

Prostate cDNA library was plated on agar dishes, the colonies were partially transferred on Nytran membranes, and hybridized with the radio-labeled subtracted cDNA probes based on previously described protocols (28). The membranes were washed and autoradiographed. A total of ~80 positive clones were randomly picked. PCR of selected positive clones was performed using SP6 and T7 primers. The DNA sequence of T7 primer is 5'-taatacgactcactatagg-3'. The DNA sequence of SP6 primer is 5'-atttaggtgacactatagaa-3'.

Sequencing and analysis of CT-induced genes

The positive cDNA clones were randomly picked and sent for chain termination sequencing with SP6 and T7 primers to GeneWiz, Inc. Homological search for clone identification was performed using the BLAST program of The National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Extraction of data from public portals such as The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and Oncomine

The Oncomine database (, a gene chip-based data mining platform was employed to analyze the tumor-associated changes in the expression of ZFPL-1 mRNA in PC (29). The filter conditions were set as follows: gene-ZFPL1; cancer type-PC; differential analysis-cancer vs. normal analysis; and data type-mRNA. In addition, top 10% gene rank were selected as the threshold (30). All statistical methods and results were obtained from Oncomine. Data sets of Wallace and Grasso for ZFPL1 mRNA levels in benign and malignant prostates were downloaded (Fig. 2D). The results revealed greater than two-fold higher ZFPL1 mRNA levels in PC as compared with those in benign prostates (P<0.0001).

The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)

TCGA is a federally funded cancer genomics program comprising over 20,000 primary cancer data and matched normal samples spanning several cancer types. Copy numbers of ZFPL1 gene in malignant and benign prostates along with corresponding clinical information were obtained from the TCGA data set (

Reverse transcription-quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR)

Primers for various genes identified after the subtraction hybridization (Table I) were synthesized. Specific gene primer pairs for each isolated gene were designed to perform qPCR using SYBR Green qPCR kit (BioRad Laboratories, Inc.) according to the manufacturer's protocol. The primer sequences for ZFPL1 mRNA were as follows: sense, 5′-agg-ccc-agt-gaa-aga -gat-ca-3′ and antisense, 5′-aag-tgc-ccc-aag-aga-aag-gt-3′. The internal reference gene was GAPDH. The primer sequences were as follows: sense, 5′-acg-ccg-cat-ctt-ctt-gtg-c-3′ and anti-sense-5′-aca-gcc-gca-tct-tct-tgt-gc-3′.

Table I

CT-induced genes. Differentially expressed genes identified from the gene BLAST program that were CT induced and had homology to human gene sequences.

Table I

CT-induced genes. Differentially expressed genes identified from the gene BLAST program that were CT induced and had homology to human gene sequences.

NoGene nameGeneSignal strengthPossible function (from Uniprot database)
1Immunoglobulin Heavy Constant Gamma 114q32.331/18Constant region of immunoglobulin heavy chains
2Calpain 21q412/18Calcium-regulated non-lysosomal thiol-protease which catalyzes limited proteolysis of substrates involved in cytoskeletal remodeling and signal transduction
3S100 Calcium Binding Protein A111/18Facilitates the differentiation and the cornification of keratinocytes
4F-box protein 21q21.33/18Involved in the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation pathway (ERAD) for misfolded lumenal proteins by recognizing and binding sugar chains on unfolded glycoproteins that are retrotranslocated into the cytosol and promoting their ubiquitination and subsequent degradation
5Zinc Finger Like protein 11p36.224/18Required for cis-Golgi integrity and efficient ER to Golgi transport
6ZFP36 Ring Finger Protein Like 111q13.13/18Zinc-finger RNA-binding protein that destabilizes several cytoplasmic AU-rich element (ARE)-containing mRNA transcripts by promoting their poly(A) tail removal or deadenylation
7Immunoglobulin Heavy Variable 4-3114q24.11/18V region of the variable domain of immunoglobulin heavy chains that participates in the antigen recognition
8Branched Chain Ketoacid Dehydrogenase Kinase14q32.331/18Catalyzes the phosphorylation and inactivation of the branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase complex, the key regulatory enzyme of the valine, leucine and isoleucine catabolic pathways
9Butyrophilin Subfamily 2 Member A216p11.22/18Inhibits the proliferation of CD4 and CD8 T-cells activated by anti-CD3 antibodies. CT, calcitonin

Total RNA from frozen prostate tissue specimens or PC cell lines was extracted using TRIzol® (Ambion; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.). The extracted RNA was verified for integrity before reverse transcription. A total of 1 µg RNA/sample was reverse transcribed, and 25 ng cDNA was used for RT-qPCR. RT-qPCR was performed using Perfecta Fast MIX kit (Quantabio). The thermocycling conditions were as follows: Initial denaturation at 95°C for 30 sec followed by 35 cycles of amplification as follows: Initial denaturation phase at 95°C for 15 sec, annealing phase at 60°C for 30 sec and extension phase at 72°C for 10 sec. Relative expression was calculated using the comparative cycle threshold method (2−ΔΔCq), and the results were expressed relative to a normal tissue or a parental cell line (31,32).

Immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting of PC cell lysates

Post confluent LNCaP-C4 cells were treated with 50 nM CT for 30 min. The cells were then lysed in RIPA lysis buffer (cat. No. 89900; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.), and ZFPL1 was immunoprecipitated from the homogenates. Washed ZFPL1 immune complexes were fractionated on 12% SDS-PAGE, blotted onto PVDF membranes, and probed for ZFPL1 as previously described (22). Briefly, the cells were scraped, pelleted and rinsed with ice-cold HEPES-buffered saline, pH 7.0, then lysed in an ice-cold cell lysis buffer containing a battery of protease and phosphatase inhibitors. The cellular lysates were spun, the supernatants were recovered, and the protein concentration was determined using the Bio-Rad protein assay kit. The supernatants were normalized to equivalent protein concentrations and incubated overnight at 4°C with shaking. Next day, protein A-coated agarose beads were added to the supernatants, and incubation was continued for 20 min. The immune complexes were pelleted by centrifugation at 10,000 × g for 10 min at 40°C, were boiled for 5 min in Laemmli's loading buffer and ~40 µg protein per lane was loaded onto 12% SDS-polyacrylamide gel, electrophoresed and transferred onto a nitrocellulose sheet. The blots were then probed with the antisera as described in the results section. Finally, the blots were reprobed with β-actin anti-serum as a loading control.

In situ hybridization histochemistry (ISH)

ZFPL1 mRNA expression in individual clinical PC specimens was studied by ISH. In brief, Digoxigenin 11-UTP-labeled ZFPL1 sense (non-specific binding) and anti-sense (specific binding) riboprobes were prepared by transcribing linearized recombinant vector containing ZFPL1 cDNA in either SP6 or T7 direction. The 5-µm thick paraffin-embedded sections of prostate specimens were deparaffinized in xylene and hybridized with anti-sense ZFPL1 siRNA probe overnight. This was followed by an incubation with alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-digoxigenin antibody (33). For negative control, the sections were hybridized with sense ZFPL1 siRNA probe.

Immunohistochemistry (IHC)

Paraffin-embedded specimens were sectioned to 5-µm thickness on to glass slides. In certain cases, tissue microarray slides were purchased from the commercial or academic sources as described in the results section. In all cases, the sections were subjected to antigen retrieval by heating the slides for 5 min in 5 mM sodium citrate and stained for the gene product using a specific antibody as previously described (14). Overnight incubations with primary antibodies at 4°C were followed by TRITC-conjugated (1:500; cat. no. 111-296-003) or FITC-conjugated (1:500; cat. no. 111-096-003; both from Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, Inc.) secondary antibodies at room temperature for 1 h. The slides were then counterstained and mounted with 1.5 µg/ml DAPI (cat. no. H-1200, Vector Laboratories, Inc.) at room temperature. Controls were incubated either in the presence of no primary antibody, no secondary antibody, or primary antibody blocked with the antigen peptide.

Following this, the slides were observed under Nikon Optiphot 2 fluorescent microscope, and the images were captured by Retiga 1300R electronic camera, acquired on iMac computer using iVision image analysis program (BioVision, Inc.). The cells labelled with the fluorescent dye were counted as immunopositive cells whereas those stained with DAPI were counted for total cells in a field (magnification, ×400).

Image analysis and interpretation

A total of 6 images per section were acquired. Immunopositive and total cells per section were counted by two individuals independently using established methods and the mean reading was taken (16). The staining intensity was assigned an arbitrary value on a scale of 0-3 as follows: (-), 0; (+), 1; (++) 2; and (+++), 3.

An IHC index for each sample was calculated by multiplying staining intensity with the percentage of positive cells. The results were graded from 0 (negative) to 300 (all cells with strong staining intensity). Reproducibility of the analysis was verified by rescoring of randomly chosen slides. Duplicate readings gave similar results.


A total of ~1×105 cells were plated per well of an eight-well culture slides and grown to confluence (Costar; Corning, Inc.). After overnight serum starvation, the cells were treated as aforementioned, fixed with methanol on ice for 30 min and incubated with specific antibodies at 4°C overnight. Immunostaining was visualized after incubation with TRITC- or FITC-labelled secondary antibodies (1:500; Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, Inc.). Controls received either non-immune goat IgG or no primary antisera. The slides were observed under Nikon Optiphot 2 fluorescent microscope, and digital images were acquired by Retiga 1300R camera connected to iMac computer and were analyzed using iVision image analysis program (Biovision Technologies).

Extraction of exosomal fraction and western blot analysis

PC cell homogenate was centrifuged at 300 × g (10 min), the supernatant was centrifuged at 10,000 × g (30 min), loaded over 4 ml of 30% sucrose solution and centrifuged at 100,000 × g at 4°C (90 min) using Optima XE-90 ultracentrifuge (Beckman Coulter, Inc.). The sucrose layer (~5 ml) was resuspended in 1X PBS and ultracentrifuged at 100,000 × g at 4°C (90 min) to pellet down the exosomes (34). The exosomes were resuspended in 500 µl 1X PBS, protein concentrations were determined using aforementioned Bio-Rad protein assay kit, and 40 µg protein per lane was loaded and fractionated on a 12% polyacrylamide gel by electrophoresis and transferred onto a PVDF membrane. The blot was probed for ZFPL1 by immunoblotting. In brief, the blot was incubated at room temperature for 1 h in blocking buffer (5% milk powder in Tris-buffered saline). The blot was then incubated with either ZFPL1 antibody (1:1,000) or anti-CD81 (1:1,000; both from Sigma-Aldrich; Merck KGaA) overnight at 4°C. Following three washes, the blot was incubated with horse radish peroxidase conjugated-anti-rabbit IgG (1:2,000; cat. no. W4018; Promega Corporation) for two h at room temperature. After four washes, the blot was developed for imaging using HRP substrate according to Manufacturer's instruction (SuperSignal West Femto Sensitivity; cat. no. 34096; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.). The image of the blot was acquired with ChemiDoc imaging System (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.). The images were quantitated by densitometric analysis using ImageJ 1.53a Image Analysis Program (35). Preimmune lysate was used as input control.

Knockdown and overexpression of ZFPL1 in PC3-CTR cells

PC3-CTR cells were plated at a density of 200,000 cells/well in six-well plates and cultured overnight. Next day, the cells were serum-starved for 4 h to obtain optimal transfection, then transfected with aforementioned ZFPL1 siRNAs (1 nM; Origene Technologies, Inc.) using lipofectamine (Invitrogen; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.) mixtures (v/v). The control cells received equivalent amount of non-sense siRNA. After overnight incubation, the cell cultures were replenished with complete RPMI-1640 medium (containing 10% fetal bovine serum) and cultured for additional three days. The cells were then used for growth, invasion, apoptosis assays and Akt phosphorylation studies.

For overexpression, the cells were transfected with ZFPL1 expression plasmid (ZFPL1-pCMV5-XL4; Origene Technologies, Inc.). The empty vector plasmid was used as a control. The transfected cells were used as aforementioned.

Cell proliferation assay

siRNA-transfected PC-3-CTR cells were assessed for proliferative activity by MTT assay kit (American Type Culture Collection) as previously described (16). After incubation for 24 h at 37°C, the cells were treated with Thiazolyl blue tetrazolium bromide (MTT), and the color reaction was stopped with the stop solution. A total of 150 µl/well of DMSO was added to solubilize formazan. Absorbance was determined at 595 nm with an ELISA plate reader (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.).

In vitro invasion assay

Experiments were conducted in 24-well Matrigel invasion chambers (Becton, Dickinson and Company). The Matrigen inserts were hydrated for 2 h at 37°C as suggested by the Manufacturer prior to the addition of cells. PC3-CTR or LNCaP-C4 cells with ZFPL1 knockdown or ZFPL1-overexpression were serum-starved for 24 h and were seeded at a density of 25×103 cells per well in the upper insert of the chamber. The lower chamber received the chemoattractant medium, which consisted of 90% basal RPMI-1640 medium and 10% conditioned medium from the cultures of PC-3M cells expressing constitutively active Gsα protein (16). The incubations were carried out for 24 h at 37°C, after which the Matrigel (along with non-invading cells) was scraped off, and the outer side of the insert was fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 15 min at room temperature and stained for 5 min x 3 at room temperature using Diff Quik staining as suggested by the manufacturer (Dade Behring Diagnostics). The migratory cells on the outer bottom side of the insert were counted under Nikon TS100 light microscope in six or more randomly selected fields (magnification, ×400). The final results are expressed as the mean ± SEM number of invading cells per 100X field (36).

Growth Correction: Since PC-3CTR cells exhibited a higher proliferation rate, a possibility was considered that the cells migrating during the early part of the 24 h incubation period could proliferate during the remaining incubation period, causing a slight overestimation of invasion. To correct this, the growth rate of PC-3CTR cells was determined under identical culture conditions as previously described (36). The relative CT-induced increase of the pooled results of all time points was 1.19 (vehicle control=1). This correction was applied.

Wound healing assay

Experiments were conducted in 24-well plates (Becton Dickinson and Company). PC3-CTR cells with/without ZFPL1 knockdown or ZFPL1-overexpression were seeded at a density of 25×103 cells per well. The cells were cultured at 37°C in the growth medium to 70-80% confluence. The growth medium was replaced with a serum-free medium, and the cell layer was wounded by gentle scrapping of the cell layer in each well with a 100-µl pipette tip. Images of each well were then captured with Spot Camera attached to a light microscope. The cells were then treated with ±10 nM CT, and the incubations continued for 12 h. Images were captured again, and the migratory cells in the wound were counted. The results are expressed as number of cells in a wound for each treatment group.

Cell apoptosis assay

Cells with ZFPL1 knockdown or overexpression were plated on slide chambers (25,000 cells/well) and cultured for 72 h at 37°C in 95% air-5% CO2 atmosphere. The cells were then treated as described in the Results section. At the end of incubation with the agents, the cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and incubated with cleaved caspase-3 primary antibody (1:400) overnight at 4°C. Immunostaining of apoptotic cells was visualized after incubation with FITC-labelled secondary antibodies (1:500; cat. no. 111-095-003; Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, Inc.).

Measurement of ZFPL1 levels in sera of human subjects

Sera were analyzed by the immunosensor assay as previously described (37). The assay is linear over the range of 1-64 pg with the sensitivity of 1 pg/50 µl. Thus, serum ZFPL1 levels can be measured in as little as 0.1 µl serum. The assay has been examined for the accuracy, precision, recovery and linearity. The dilution curve of human serum was parallel to the ZFPL1 standard curve in the range of 0.1-2 µl serum. Negative controls are the serum pool from patients who have undergone prostatectomy (serum PSA <0.003 ng/ml); and the positive controls are the serum pool of patients with PC (confirmed by biopsy). At present, intra- and inter-assay variations of the assay are less than 5 and 9%, respectively.

Statistical analysis

The data were analyzed and graphed by the Prism 8 software (GraphPad Software, Inc.). Unless otherwise stated, the results were statistically evaluated by ordinary One-Way ANOVA and multiple comparison test or t-tests (in cases of comparison of two groups) was used to determine P-value. P<0.05 was considered to indicate a statistically significant difference. Post hoc test was Tukey's multiple comparison test where applicable.


Identification of CT-induced genes

A total of 9 distinct sequences were identified among positive clones (Table I). The functions of these genes included autophagy, proteolysis, cell proliferation and development, immune function, proteosomal degradation, intracellular trafficking, and regulation of protein synthesis. Although all nine genes listed in Table I may contribute to CT-induced progression of PC, it was decided to study ZFPL1 further because of its higher representation among positive clones.

ZFPL1 expression in the prostate and its regulation

Expression of ZFPL1 mRNA in PC cell lines: The relative abundance of ZFPL1 mRNA in multiple PC cell lines was determined by RT-qPCR (Fig. 1A and B). The results were normalized by GAPDH mRNA levels. The abundance of ZFPL1 mRNA in PC cell lines was compared with that of PC3 (which was set at 1). Among the cell lines studied, PC3-CTR, DU145 and PC3M cell lines displayed comparable ZFPL1 mRNA levels, but they were higher than those of PC3 cells. By contrast, the ZFPL1 mRNA abundance was remarkably lower in LNCaP and LNCaP-C4 cells compared with that of PC3 cells. Notably, M1 cell line (which expressed negative mutant CT receptor) demonstrated the highest ZFPL1 mRNA abundance (18).

Expression of ZFPL1 protein in PC cells

To confirm that ZFPL1 protein is expressed in PC cell lines and the expressed protein in the prostate is of the same size as in other organs, the presence of ZFPL1 protein in PC3-CTR cell lysates was investigated. ZFPL1 immunoprecipitates were obtained as previously described and its molecular weight was determined by western blot analysis (38). ZFPL1 immunoprecipitates displayed a band of ~35 KDa (arrow in Fig. 1C), which is consistent with the reported size of 34.1 kDa (39).

Regulation of ZFPL1 mRNA expression in PC cells by CT and testosterone

To confirm that ZFPL1 is a CT-inducible gene, the effect of CT on ZFPL1 mRNA abundance was examined in PC3-CTR and LNCaP-C4 cell lines. As revealed in Fig. 1D and E, CT induced a dose-dependent increases in ZFLP1 mRNA abundance in androgen-responsive LNCaP cells as well as androgen-resistant PC3-CTR cells. Since testosterone is the primary hormone for structural and functional integrity of the prostate, its effect on ZFPL1 expression was also examined. AR agonist R1881 also induced a similar dose-dependent increase in ZFPL1 mRNA expression in LNCaP-C4 cell line (Fig. 1F). The same was not investigated in PC3-CTR cells as they lack AR.

Expression of ZFPL1 in normal human tissues

ZFPL1 immunofluorescence was performed on TRP-1 microarray containing sections of normal human tissues. The percentage of positive ZFLP1-imunopositive cells per field (magnification, ×400) were counted. It was revealed that ZFPL1 protein was expressed in cell populations of cerebrum, cerebellum, pancreas and endometrium (Fig. 2A). However, no ZFPL1-immunopositive cells were detected in normal human prostate and several other human organs. The representative micrographs of ZFPL1-positive cell populations in various ZFPL1-positive organs are revealed in Fig. 2B. The micrographs of ZFPL1-negative tissues except for human prostate are presented in Fig. S1.

Expression of ZFPL1 in the prostates

To measure ZFPL1 mRNA abundance in normal and pathological prostate tissues, total RNA was extracted from frozen primary prostate specimens and used for RT-qPCR as aforementioned. ZFPL1 mRNA was barely detectable after PCR in normal prostates and its levels increased slightly in BPH. However, the increase in ZFPL1 mRNA levels was remarkably higher and statistically significant in PC specimens (Fig. 2C). Moreover, the mRNA abundance in PC tissues increased with increase in the Gleason score of PC tumor specimens. For example, ZFPL1 mRNA abundance in tumors of Gleason score 9 was over 70-fold higher than that in a normal prostate. The data of public portals such as TCGA and Oncomine (Fig. 2D) also revealed an increased expression of ZFPL1 in PC compared with normal prostate.

ZFPL1 mRNA expression in clinical prostate specimens

The specificity of the ISH method is demonstrated in Fig. 3A. It was shown that only antisense ZFPL1 siRNA, but not sense ZFPL1 siRNA, hybridized with endogenous ZFPL1 mRNA in a PC specimen. This technique was applied to 78 prostate sections, which varied from BPH, high grade prostate intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) and PCs between Gleason scores (1-6) and (7-10). The processed sections were then observed under Nikon Optiphot microscope, and six or more digital micrographs per section were captured. The staining in digital micrographs (×400) was quantitated by determining the area of staining using iImage Biovision image analysis program. The intensity of the staining was determined in the scale of 0-3 (0 for none, 1 for low, 2 for intermediate and 3 for high). The IHC index was calculated by multiplying the area of staining with the scale of staining. ZFPL1 transcript was undetectable in benign specimens, was detected in HGPIN specimens and significantly increased with tumor progression (Fig. 3B). Quantitated data presented in Table II demonstrate the lowest value for benign acini, with a significant increase in HGPIN, and even more remarkable increase in PCs with higher Gleason scores (Table II).

Figure 3

ZFPL1 expression in the primary PC. (A) The photomicrographs demonstrated the specificity of in situ hybridization. A PC section was treated with sense ZFPL1 siRNA probe (left) or antisense ZFPL1 siRNA probe (right). Only antisense probe hybridized with the PC specimen (right). (Scale bar=100 µm). (B) The photomicrographs depicted ZFPL1 mRNA expression in prostate sections of different cancer stages in comparison with non-cancer specimens (Scale bar=50 µm). (C) The representative photomicrographs revealed the presence of ZFPL1-immunopostive cells (red) in a PC prostate section and its matched normal tissue (Scale bar=50 µm). Nuclear stain is DAPI (74). The adjacent bar graph presents the mean percentage (n=6) of ZFPL1 immunopositive cells per field (magnification, ×400) in PC vs. matched normal prostate tissue. *P<0.0001 (paired t-test). (D) The photomicrographs on the left showed H&E staining of human PC tissue sample, while those on the right show ZFPL1 (green) and nuclear DAPI (74) (Scale bar=50 µm). White arrows point to the cancerous areas in all photomicrographs. (E) The representative photomicrographs revealed ZFPL1-immunopsitive cells (Red) and nuclear DAPI (74) in different samples of a US Biomax PC tissue microarray (Scale bar=50 µm). (F) The bar graph presented the quantitated data of a PC tissue microarray. The mean ± SEM (n=6) IHC index of each specimen in the microarray was calculated and plotted against the stage of PC. The mean IHC index of each cancer group except T1N0MO was significantly different from control. *P<0.005 (One Way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison test). ZFPL1, zinc finger protein like 1; PC, prostate cancer; IHC, immunohistochemistry.

Table II

Presence of zinc finger protein like 1 in the PC at different stages.

Table II

Presence of zinc finger protein like 1 in the PC at different stages.

Benign aciniHGPIN aciniPC (Gleason: 1-6)PC (Gleason: 7-10)
Number of cases23112123
Mean ± SEM13.51±3.0139.73±3.17*47.13±4.95a93.25±3.83b

{ label (or @symbol) needed for fn[@id='tfn1-ijo-62-3-05486'] } Quantitation of the experiments on ZFPL1 mRNA expression in PC by in situ hybridization (Fig. 3B).

a P<0.05 represents groups significantly different than benign acini group;

b P<0.05 represents group significantly different than rest of the groups. PC, prostate cancer.

* p<0.05 (significantly different from benign acini, unpaired t-test).

Expression of ZFPL1 in PC

PC-specific expression of ZFPL1 was also examined in a prostate tumor [as identified by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining or H&E in a mirror section] and a matched normal prostate tissue by immunofluorescence. As revealed in Fig. 3C, ZFPL1 protein expression (red) was cancer-specific, and no staining was detected in a matched normal tissue. In a total of ~12% of tumor cells, ZFPL1 protein was detected in cancer tissue with no positivity in a matched normal tissue.

Localization of ZFPL1 in tumor

To investigate whether ZFLP1 was localized to histologically positive cancer area of the specimen, H&E and ZFPL1 immunofluorescence was performed in serial sections of same biopsy specimens. ZFLP1 staining was in the cancer part (as indicated by hematoxylin-stained large nuclei; arrows in Fig. 3D) part of the specimen.

ZFPL1 expression in PC increases with tumor progression

Tumor stage-specific expression of ZFPL1 protein was examined by immunofluorescence of US Biomax PC tissue microarray. The array contained sections of 80 specimens (73 PCs and 7 normal). The IHC was performed as described earlier, and multiple fluorescent images of each specimen were captured (40). The number of ZFPL1-immunopositive cells (red-TRITC) and total cells (blue-DAPI) per field (magnification, ×400) were counted and IHC Index was determined as aforementioned. ZFPL1 immunostaining was distributed in the cytoplasm of cells in epithelia of prostate tumors but not in epithelia of normal prostate. Moreover, an apparent increase in the number of immunopositive cells as well as in the staining intensity was observed with increase in tumor stage (Fig. 3E). The quantitated data of Fig. 3F suggested that the IHC index of PC specimens increased with increase in tumor stage and was highest in metastatic tumors of stage T4N1M1.

ZFLP1 co-localizes with chromogranin A (CgA; a NE marker) and CD44 (a cancer stem cell marker)

Fixed PC3-CTR cells and sections of paraffin-embedded PC specimens were processed for double immunofluorescence using pairs of primary antibodies against ZFLP1 + CgA or ZFPL1 + CD44. In cells as well as tissues, ZFPL1 (green) co-localized with CgA (red) in same cells (Fig. 4A). Similarly, ZFPL1 (green) also co-localized with CD44 (red) (Fig. 4B). iVision image analysis program statistically evaluated co-localization of both fluorescent dyes in each digital image and calculated Pearson's co-efficient (maximum being 1.000). CgA-ZFPL1 and CD44-ZFPL1 co-localization data showed a Pearson's co-efficient value of >0.83 and >0.8 (mean value) respectively, suggesting a very strong co-localization of these three antigens in same cells.

Subcellular localization of ZFPL1 protein in cultured PC cells

In cultured PC3-CTR and LNCaP-C4 cells, the subcellular localization of ZFPL1 (green) was examined by triple immunofluorescence using markers of the Golgi body (GM130-red), exosome (CD81-red), exosome-secretosome (CD63-red) and counterstaining for nucleus (DAPI-blue). Co-localization of ZFPL1 with CD81 and CD63 suggested that ZFPL1 may be an exosomal protein. Moreover, the co-localization of ZFPL1 with GM130 suggested its presence in Golgi. (Fig. 5A-C). The presence of ZFPL1 in exosomes was confirmed by isolating the exosomal fraction of PC3-CTR cells and LNCaP-C4 cells, confirming its presence in the isolate by western blot analysis (Fig. 5D). Co-precipitation of ZFPL1 with CD81 (exosome marker) in exosome isolate confirms the presence of ZFPL1 in the exosomes of PC cell lines. Notably, relative presence of ZFPL1 immunoreactivity in PC3-CTR cells was markedly higher than LNCaP-C4 cells.

Function of ZFPL1 in PC cells

To identify the potential role of ZFPL1 in PC progression, the effect of ZFPL1 knockdown and overexpression on PC cell characteristics such as the rate of cell proliferation, invasion, or apoptosis was examined. ZFPL1 overexpression was accomplished by transfecting constitutively active ZFPL1 expression plasmid. The knockdown was accomplished by transfection of either of 3 ZFPL1 siRNAs. The overexpression and knockdown were verified using western blotting and protein bands were quantified by densitometry (Fig. 6A and B). siRNA1 appeared to be least potent in attenuating ZFPL1 expression, whereas SiRNA3 appeared to be the most potent and was used in subsequent experiments unless specifically stated otherwise.

Effect of ZFPL1 knockdown on PC cell proliferation

The knockdown of ZFPL1 in PC3-CTR cells led to a significant decrease in basal and CT-stimulated cell proliferation (Fig. 7A).

Figure 7

ZFPL1 and PC cell proliferation and apoptosis. (A) The bar graph showed the effect of ±10 nM CT on proliferation of PC-3CTR cells that received either non-sense siRNA or ZFPL1 siRNA. The data are presented as the mean OD595 ± SEM (n=4)., *P<0.05 and ***P<0.0001 vs. the control receiving non-sense siRNA (unpaired t-test); ^^^P<0.0001 vs. +CT receiving non-sense siRNA (unpaired t-test). (B) The representative photomicrographs demonstrated the effect of either non-sense (control) or ZFPL1 siRNA (1, 2 or 3) ± CT on cleaved caspase 3 expression in PC3-CTR and LNCaP-C4 cells. The micrographs in the upper panel showed nuclear cleaved caspase 3 staining in untreated or CT-treated PC3-CTR cells, which received either non-sense siRNA or ZFPL1 siRNA. The LNCaP-C4 cells in the lower panels received the same treatment. Blue color of DAPI stain showed the nucleus (Scale bar=100 µm). (C) The bar graphs presented the pooled data of four separate experiments of performed with LNCaP-C4 and PC3-CTR cell lines. The graph presented the number of cleaved caspase 3-postive cells per field (magnification, ×400) against ± CT treatment. Each cell line was transfected with either non-sense siRNA (C), ZFPL1 siRNA, ZFPL siRNA2 or ZFPL1 siRNA3. *P<0.05, **P<0.001 significantly different from +CT of its own group. ^P<0.05 significantly different from the corresponding non-sense siRNA control (One way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison test). (D) The representative photomicrographs in first four pairs of micrographs showed the expression of cleaved caspase 3 (green) in PC3-CTR and LNCaP-C4 cells expressing carrier plasmid. The cells also received either vehicle, DEX (10 µM), CT (10 nM) or DEX + CT. DAPI stain was shown in Blue (Scale bar=100 µm). The next four pairs of representative photomicrographs revealed the expression of cleaved caspase 3 in PC3-CTR and LNCaP-C4 cells overexpressing ZFPL1 (Scale bar=100 µm). The cells were treated as aforementioned (Scale bar=100 µm). (E) The bar graphs presented the pooled data of four separate experiments. The mean number ± SEM of cleaved caspase 3-labeled cells per field (magnification, ×400) were plotted against the treatment + CT ± DEX. *P<0.05, vs. DEX + CT; xP<0.001 vs. ZFPL1-overexpression (One way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison test); ^Significantly different from C (p<0.05 ordinary one-way ANOV A and Tukey's multiple comparison test). (F) Representative photomicrographs show localization of cleaved caspase-3 staining in nuclei of LNCaP-C4 cells (Scale bar=25 µm). ZFPL1, zinc finger protein like 1; PC, prostate cancer; CT, calcitonin; si-, small interfering; DEX, dexamethasone; ov, overexpression.

ZFPL1 and apoptosis of PC cells

Apoptosis in PC3-CTR and LNCaP cells was examined by analyzing the presence of cleaved caspase-3 in the nucleus by immunofluorescence. The knockdown of ZFPL1 led to a visible increase in cleaved caspase-3-positive PC3-CTR cells (Fig. 7B). However, CT could reverse/reduce this effect significantly, which supported previous results by the authors that CT promotes survival of PC cells (41). The pooled data from four such experiments for each cell line was presented in Fig. 7C. The results suggested that the knockdown of ZFPL1 by siRNAs 2 and 3 led to a significant increase in number of cleaved caspase 3-positive cells in both cell lines and CT could reverse/reduce this effect.

The effect of ZFPL1 overexpression on DEX-induced apoptosis was examined after treating cells with/without DEX. Representative micrographs of PC3-CTR and LNCaP-C4 cells overexpressing ZFPL1 and treated with/without DEX ± 10 nM CT were presented in Fig. 7D. Again, the results clearly revealed that either the treatment with CT and/or ZFPL1 overexpression significantly attenuated DEX-induced apoptosis in both cell lines. The pooled quantitative data of four separate experiments with both cell lines and showed that ZFPL1 overexpression and/or treatment with CT significantly reduced apoptotic populations in both cell lines (Fig. 7E). Cleaved caspase-3 staining in LNCaP-C4 cells was nuclear (Fig. 7F).

ZFPL1 and invasion of PC cells

The knockdown of ZFPL1 significantly decreased basal and CT-induced invasion of LNCaP-C4 and PC3-CTR cells (Fig. 8A). The pooled data of four such experiments with each cell line were presented in Fig. 8B. The overexpression of ZFPL1 in either cell line led to an increase in basal and CT-induced invasion (Fig. 8C). The pooled quantitative data of these experiments showed similar results (Fig. 8D).

Figure 8

Effect of ZFPL1 knockdown/overexpression on invasion of PC cells. (A) The representative photomicrographs showed the effect of ±10 nM CT on invasiveness of PC3-CTR cells receiving either non-sense siRNA or ZFPL1 siRNA (1, 2 or 3) (Scale bar=50 µm). (B) The bar graphs revealed the pooled data of four separate invasion assays presented as the mean ± SEM number of invading cells per field (magnification, ×400) with PC3-CTR and LNCaP-C4 cells receiving either non-sense siRNA, siRNA1, siRNA2 or siRNA 3. *P<0.05, **P<0.001 and ***P<0.0001 (-CT vs. +CT in each group); ^P<0.01 (non-sense siRNA vs. ZFPL1 siRNA; ^^P<0.001 (non-sense siRNA vs. ZFPL1 siRNA), One way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison test). (C) The representative photomicrographs of the upper panel revealed the effect of ±10 nM CT on invasiveness of LNCaP-C4 and PC3-CTR cells expressing either carrier pCMV5-XL4 plasmid or the plasmid with ZFPL1 expression plasmid (Scale bar=50 µm). (D) The bar graphs showed pooled data (mean ± SEM) of four separate invasion assays with PC3-CTR and LNCaP-C4 cells, respectively. *P<0.05, **P<0.001 and ***P<0.0001 (-CT vs. +CT); ^P<0.05 (CT vs. OV + CT; One way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison tests). (E) Representative photomicrographs of wound healing assays for cell migration of PC3-CTR cells transfected with ZDPL1 siRNA3 (siRNA-Row 2) or ZFPL1 expression vector (OVER-Row 4) and treated with ± CT (10 nM). (F) The bar graphs demonstrated pooled data (mean ± SEM) of number of migratory cells migrated in a wound (magnification, ×100) in four separate wound healing assays. *P<0.05 (C vs. treated for each group, i.e. either siRNA or overexp). ^P<0.05 (overexp vs. overexp + CT), One Way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison test. ZFPL1, zinc finger protein like 1; PC, prostate cancer; CT, calcitonin; si-, small interfering; ov, overexpression.

A similar study was also conducted to examine cell migration of PC3-CTR cells in a wound-healing assay. The photomicrographs of Row 1 of Fig. 8E revealed the wound of PC3-CTR cell layer at 0 and after 12 h in the absence or the presence of 10 nM CT. Row 2 of Fig. 8E showed similar experiments with PC3-CTR cells with ZFPL1 knocked down using siRNA3. The pooled data of revealed that CT promoted cell migration of CT (Fig. 8F). However, when ZFPL1 was knocked down, the baseline cell migration was reduced and CT also failed to promote cell migration. The next experiment examined the effect of ZFPL1 overexpression in PC3-CTR cells. The photomicrographs of Row 3 of Fig. 8E again showed that CT promotes cell migration in PC3-CTR cells. However, ZFPL1 overexpression increased cell migration in the absence as well as the presence of CT (Row 4, Fig. 8E). The pooled data also demonstrated that ZFPL1 overexpression increased cell migration of PC3-CTR cells, and the addition of CT increased it even more (Fig. 8F). These results were consistent with the effect of ZFPL1 on prostate cell invasion.

ZFPL1 and Akt phosphorylation

Since the knockdown of ZFPL1 led to apoptosis of PC cells and its overexpression decreased DEX-induced apoptosis, the effect of ZFPL1 on the activation of PI3K survival pathway was investigated by examining phosphorylation of Akt in PC3-CTR and LNCaP-C4 cells. Immunoblots and their densitometric quantitation (Fig. 9A and B) revealed that the knockdown of ZFPL1 led to a statistically significant decrease in basal and CT-induced phosphorylation of Akt473/Akt308 in both cell lines. CT increased Akt phosphorylation, however, the knockdown of ZFPL1 significantly reduced CT-induced Akt phosphorylation. Consistent with the earlier results, this experiment also revealed siRNA3 to be most potent in downregulating Akt phosphorylation in both cell lines. As expected, overexpression of ZFPL1 in these cell lines produced the opposite effect as indicated by a significant increase in basal and CT-induced Akt phosphorylation (Fig. 9B). The results that CT induced a minimal increase in Akt473 phosphorylation in LNCaP cells overexpressing ZFPL1 further supported the possibility that the effect of activation of endogenous CT on PI3K pathway activation in PC cells is indirect and ZFPL1 may be a key mediator of this CT action.

Figure 9

Effect of ZFPL1 knockdown on Akt phosphorylation. (A) The representative immunoblot on the left showed the effect of ±10 nM CT on p-Akt473 and p-Akt308 proteins in PC3-CTR cells receiving either non-sense (control) siRNA or ZFPL1 siRNA1, ZFPL siRNA2 or ZFPL1 siRNA3. Total Akt was used as a control protein. β-actin was used as the loading control. A1 and A2 are the normalized bar graphs (pAkt/total Akt) of densitometric quantitation of immunoblots on the left. A representative immunoblot on the right showed the effect of ±10 nM CT on p-Akt473 and p-Akt308 proteins in LNCaP-C4 cells receiving either non-sense (control) siRNA or ZFPL1 siRNA1, ZFPL siRNA2 or ZFPL1 siRNA3. Akt was used as a control protein. β-actin provided the loading control. 9A3 and 9A4 are the normalized bar graphs (p-Akt/total Akt) of densitometric quantitation of immunoblots on the right. *P<0.05 vs. control and ^P<0.05 vs. siRNA + CT. One Way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison test. (B) A representative immunoblot on the left showed the effect of ± 10 nM CT on p-Akt473 and p-Akt308 proteins in PC3-CTR cells transfected with either carrier plasmid or ZFPL1 expression plasmid, respectively. Akt was used as a control protein. B1 and B2 are the normalized densitometric bar graphs (p-Akt/total Akt) of immunoblots on the left. β-actin was used as the loading control. *P<0.05 vs. control. One Way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison test. A representative immunoblot on the right showed the effect of ±10 nM CT on pAkt473 and pAkt308 proteins in LNCaP-C4 cells transfected with either carrier plasmid or ZFPL1 expression plasmid respectively. Akt was used as a control protein. β-actin was used as the loading control. 9B3 and 9B4 are the normalized densitometric bar graphs (p-Akt/total Akt) of immunoblots on the right. *P<0.05 (Significantly different from the control. One Way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison test. (C) ZFPL1 and Akt phosphorylation by ICC: The representative photomicrographs showing the effect of ±10 nM CT on pAkt staining (red) in LNCaP-C4 and PC3-CTR cells receiving either non-sense or ZFPL1 siRNA (1, 2 or 3). Blue color is of DAPI (Scale bar=50 µm). (D) The pooled data of four separate experiments of with PC3-CTR and LNCaP-C4 cells receiving non-sense or ZFPL1 siRNAs. The data is presented as the mean ± SEM number of p-Akt-immuno positive cells per field (magnification, ×100) of PC3-CTR and LNCaP cells receiving either non-sense siRNA (control) or ZFPL1 siRNAs 1, 2 or 3 in that order. *P<0.05 (control vs CT in each group, One way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison test); ^p<0.05, siRNA treatment significantly different from vehicle control (One Way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison test). (E) The representative photomicrograph showed the effect of ±10 nM CT on p-Akt-immunopositive cells per field (magnification, ×400; green) in PC3-CTR cells expressing either carrier plasmid or ZFPL-overexpression plasmid (Scale bar=50 µm). (F) The pooled data of four separate experiments of with PC3-CTR and LNCaP-C4 cells expressing either carrier plasmid (C) or ZFPL1 overexpression plasmid (OV). The data is presented as the mean p-Akt ICC Index per field ± SEM (magnification, ×100). *P<0.05 (+ CT vs. OV + CT) and ^P<0.05 (C vs. OV); One way ANOVA and Tukey's Multiple comparison test. (G) Representative photomicrographs at higher magnification (×1,000) showed the nuclear localization of pAKT (green). Nuclear DAPI is blue (Scale bar=25 µm). ZFPL1, zinc finger protein like 1; p-, phosphorylated; si-, small interfering; CT, calcitonin; ICC, immunocytochemistry; ov, overexpression.

Phosphorylation of Akt was also observed by immunofluorescence microscopy. The changes in phosphorylated (p)-Akt-immunopositive PC3-CTR and LNCaP-C4 cells when treated with ZFPL1 siRNA ± CT were presented in Fig. 9C. In non-sense siRNA-treated cells, a small population of cells were p-Akt positive (<20%). When treated with 10 nM CT for 30 min, the p-Akt-positive population increased by more than two-fold. When treated with ZFPL1 siRNA, the p-Akt cell population was lower than those treated with non-sense siRNA. However, the treatment with CT increased p-Akt-positive cells but still was markedly less than that in non-sense sRNA treated cells. The results of the quantified data of these experiments with PC-3CTR and LNCaP-C4 cells suggested that the knockdown of ZFPL1 significantly attenuates/abolishes basal and CT-induced phosphorylation of Akt (Fig. 9D).

A similar experiment examined the effect of ZFPL1 overexpression on basal and CT-induced increase of P-Akt in the nuclei of PC-3CTR and LNCaP-C4 cells (Fig. 9E). P-Akt-positive LNCaP-C4 cells increased by almost 70% when treated with 10 nM CT (CT vs. control). A similar increase was identified when LNCaP-C4 cells were transfected with ZFPL1 overexpression vector. When these cells (ZFPL1ov) were treated with 10 nM CT, nuclear co-localization of p-Akt increased further by ~35%. The pooled quantitative data of PC3-CTR and LNCaP-C4 cells (Fig. 9F) suggested that ZFPL1 and CT may have additive effect on Akt phosphorylation. Next, it was verified whether pAkt in these cells was localized in the nucleus. It was revealed that P-Akt (green) is co-localized with DAPI at a ×400 magnification (Fig. 9G).

Presence of ZFPL1 in sera of patients with PC

Since ZFPL1 was secreted by PC cells, its presence in sera of healthy volunteers and patients with PC was next examined. PSA was used as a reference biomarker in same cohort. The serum profiles of ZFPL1 and PSA in healthy donors and positively confirmed patients with PC are presented in Fig. 10. The scattergram demonstrated that serum ZFPL1 levels in non-cancer individuals (controls; mean ± SEM 3.6±0.286 ng/ml, n=36) were significantly lower than all patients with PC (cancer: 11.41±0.6135, n=75) with no overlap (P<0.0001, unpaired t-test). By contrast, PSA levels displayed significant overlap between non-cancer and cancer patients (Controls: 6.26±0.9, n=37 vs. Cancer: 22.85±2.96, n=42, not significant by unpaired t-test). This distinct separation of ZFPL1 levels in non-cancer and cancer patients suggested that the dual ZFPL1-PSA test will significantly improve the specificity of PC detection.


Zinc finger proteins are one of the most abundant groups of proteins involved in the regulation of several cellular processes (42). ZFPL1 was first identified from exocrine pancreas and was localized to 11q13 chromosomal region. It encodes a putative protein of 310 amino acids (43). Using multiple experimental approaches, present results for the first-time report ZFPL1 mRNA and proteins are absent in benign human prostates but are abundant in malignant prostates. Results of in situ hybridization and IHC of clinical PC specimens have shown that ZFPL1 gene expression is localized to neotransformed prostate epithelial cells as early as HGPIN and it increases with increase in PC progression. The data of TCGA, International Cancer Genome Consortium and Oncomine data portals also corroborate these results. It will be important to identify the trigger that induces ZFPL1 expression in the prostate.

Although the primary objective of the present study was not the regulation of ZFPL1 gene induction, the results for the first-time revealed that ZFLP1 gene expression is regulated by CT and testosterone. The role of testosterone and its receptor in maintaining the functional and structural integrity of the prostate is well known (44). However, there remain unresolved questions on the role of androgens and AR in the progression of PC into castration-resistant PC (CRPC). Upregulation of ZFPL1 gene expression could be one of the several mechanisms associated with the progression of PC to CRPC. This will need further investigation. A series of studies have documented the existence of active CT-CTR axis in malignant prostate epithelium, and its role in promoting localized PC to its metastatic phenotype (18,19,22,24,45). The results raised a possibility that malignancy-associated upregulation of CT-CTR axis can trigger the expression of ZFPL1 in PC.

The next important objective of the present study was to characterize ZFPL1-positive PC cells. ZFPL1 was localized in cytoplasm raising a possibility that it may be secretory protein. It was also observed that ZFPL1 was localized in cells of tumor region but was not detected in adjacent normal epithelium, confirming its tumor-specific expression. Intracellularly, ZFPL1 was co-localized with GM130, a cis-Golgi matrix protein (46). Considering that the Golgi body is known to be responsible for the modification, packaging, and transport of protein products, it is conceivable that newly synthesized ZFPL1 protein may be sent to Golgi body for packaging into exosomes (47). Alternatively, it may interact with the C-terminal coiled-coil segment of GM130 via the zinc finger motif to maintain the integrity or functioning of cis-Golgi (48). Its presence in exosome/secretosome suggests the first possibility.

Next, ZFPL1 in PC cells and primary PC specimens co-localized with CgA, a member of the NE secretory protein family and an established marker of NE differentiation (49). ZFPL1 also co-localized with CD44, a marker of lymphocytes and cancer stem cells (50,51). These results raised a possibility that ZFPL1 may be produced by prostate tumor cells displaying NE and stem cell phenotype. There is evidence to suggest that several conditions such as the activation of CT-CTR axis, androgen deprivation, upregulation of AR variant or c-met can induce reprogramming of PC cells to NE and/or stem cell phenotype (22,52-55). Emerging evidence suggested that lineage plasticity plays an important role in the progression of advanced PC that occurs during course of the treatment with AR signaling inhibitors such as enzalutamide or abiraterone acetate (56-58). One form of lineage plasticity observed is characterized by AR indifference and progression of adenocarcinoma cells to the cells, which shows a distinct histomorphology and expresses neural-like markers (46,57,59). Since the expression of ZFPL1 is induced by CT as well as AR agonist, it is conceivable that ZFPL1 may play a role in transdifferentiation of PC cells to NE/stem cell phenotype (55,60,61). This remains to be examined. However, co-localization of ZFPL1 with CgA and CD44 suggested that ZFPL1 could serve as a marker of NE/stem cell populations in a prostate tumor. Particularly, considering that NE phenotype in PC is associated with aggressive CRPC, the circulating marker identifying this cell populations may provide critical prognostic information of the tumor (1,2,62-64). This possibility is further substantiated by the results that ZFPL1 expression in primary PC increases with increase in tumor stage and Gleason score.

To examine the potential of ZFLP1 as a non-invasive circulating marker of tumors, it was first investigated whether ZFPL1 is secreted in the bloodstream. The results revealed that ZFPL1 is localized to exosomes which are secreted by PC cells. Exosomes are known to originate from late endosomes, and evolve into multivesicular bodies, which are released into the microenvironment (65,66). Tumor-secreted exosomes were reported to perform several cellular functions such as intercellular communication, antigen presentation, as well as the transfer of proteins, RNA and lipids (67). Cancer exosomes play a role in the crosstalk between primary tumors and bone marrow-derived stromal cells and other non-tumor cells to support local cancer growth and prime pre-metastatic niche(s) (68). Considering that exosomal content can be released in the bloodstream and other biological fluids, it is conceivable that serum levels of ZFPL1 may indicate the ability of endogenous PC cells, particularly those tumor cells with NE/stem cell phenotypes, to secrete exosomes. Our preliminary data from over 100 human subjects indicated that serum ZFPL1 levels in PC subjects were 4-fold higher than non-cancer individuals. Moreover, the specificity and sensitivity of ZFPL1 for PC was markedly higher than PSA. These findings potentially provide a new PC-specific biomarker that can provide the measure of NE/stem cell populations of the tumor. This potentially could have a significant impact in the fields of PC diagnosis and therapy (69-71). Additional studies to further characterize whether ZFPL1 could serve as a marker for PC of NE or aggressive phenotype are planned with a larger cohort of PC samples with well-defined clinical characteristics.

To identify the potential function of ZFPL1 in prostate pathology, ZFPL1 mRNA abundance was examined in multiple PC cell lines and ZFPL1 expression was also modulated in certain cell lines using knockdown and overexpression approaches. PC cell lines exhibited wide variations in their endogenous ZFPL1 mRNA abundance. Based on these results, it is conceivable that the cells with higher endogenous ZFPL1 levels will respond differently to apoptotic stimulus compared with the cell lines with lower abundance of ZFPL1 mRNA. Knockdown of endogenous ZFPL1 led to a significant decline in cell proliferation and invasion of LNCaP-C4 PC-3CTR cells but increased their apoptosis. However, LNCaP-C4 cells, with lower levels of ZFPL1, were more susceptible to ZFPL1 knockdown than PC3-CTR cells. This supported a possibility that the cell lines with extremely low ZFPL1 mRNA levels such as LNCaP cells may be more sensitive to ZFPL1 knockdown than those with high ZFPL1 mRNA abundance such as DU145. However, this aspect was not examined in the present study. Future studies will examine this phenomenon, particularly the response of normal prostate epithelial cell lines to ZFPL1 knockdown vs. that of highly aggressive PC cell lines such as PC3M or DU145.

To identify cellular mechanisms associated with ZFPL1 action on proliferation, invasion and apoptosis of PC cells, the effect of ZFPL1 knockdown and overexpression on phosphorylation of Akt was examined. This is because previous studies by the authors suggested that CT attenuates cytotoxic drug-induced apoptosis by activating PI3K-Akt-survivin pathway (41,72). The present results revealed that the knockdown of ZFPL1 reduced the phosphorylation of Akt308 and Akt473. By contrast, ZFPL1 overexpression had a stimulatory effect. These results raised a possibility that ZFPL1 may regulate PI3K-Akt survival pathway, possibly through its role in Golgi function. It has been suggested that PI3K/Akt pathway is an essential mode in PC cells that controls cell growth, migration, proliferation and metabolism and is one of the centrally important oncogenic signaling pathways (73). PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway is also involved in transdifferentiation of tumor cells to NE phenotype. Considering its co-localization with CgA, it is conceivable that ZFPL1 may have a role in lineage plasticity of PC cells (55).

Multiple experimental approaches have revealed that the expression of ZFPL1 in the prostate is cancer-specific and is localized exclusively in the cancerous part of the prostate. It was also revealed that ZFPL1 is released by the prostate in circulation through exosomal secretion, and that its levels in patients with PC are significantly higher than those in non-cancerous individuals.

Certain of the other findings by the authors are initial and provide directions for future studies over next few years. For example, the regulation of ZFPL1 expression by CT as well as androgens will require more extensive studies to reveal underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms. Similarly, the effect of ZFPL1 on Akt phosphorylation will form the basis of a new study to extensively investigate signaling networks associated AR-CT-CTR-ZFPL1 axis.

Although cancer-specificity of ZFPL1 expression provides an advantage over PSA as a PC-specific circulatory biomarker, additional studies with carefully selected cohorts, particularly the cases of PC with high NE differentiation vs. those with low NE differentiation and/or adenocarcinoma, will be needed to test whether ZFPL1 and/or PSA can stratify the subpopulations of these patients with PC, and whether it will provide an improved prognosis.

Nevertheless, the present results extended earlier studies by the authors and identified a novel target that could prove useful for developing new diagnostic and/or therapeutic approaches for the treatment of PC.

In conclusion, it was revealed that ZFPL1 is localized in malignant, but not benign acini of the prostate, but not detected in benign prostate acini. The abundance of ZFPL mRNA and protein increased with increase in tumor stage. The knockdown of ZFPL1 reduced the rate of cell proliferation and invasion but increased apoptosis of PC cells and its overexpression had the opposite effects on these paradigms. These results suggested that ZFPL1 may be involved in promotion of tumor growth, invasion and survival of PC cells. This possibility was supported by the present results that ZFPL1 stimulated Akt phosphorylation. Co-localization of ZFPL1 with CgA and CD44 suggested its association with tumor cells displaying NE phenotype. The present study also showed that ZFPL1 was localized in secreted exosomes of PC cells. Moreover, its levels in sera of patients with PC were 4-fold higher than those of normal human subjects. Its PC-specific expression and its association with tumor cells with NE phenotype support a possibility that ZFPL1 could serve as a circulatory, non-invasive marker of PC that may provide a measure of aggressive, CRPC cell populations in a patient.

Supplementary Data

Availability of data and materials

All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article.

Authors' contributions

GS conceived, designed the study and generated data of Table I with assistance of technical staff. GS also obtained the funding, provided all necessary resources for the study, consulted the literature and drafted the manuscript. NM generated reverse transcription-quantitative PCR data. AA performed immunohistochemistry of prostate tissues and microarrays, effect of ZFPL1 on cell proliferation and migration as well as serum ZFPL1 analysis. NM had to repeat several experiments earlier carried out by AK since he left in the middle of the study. Her contribution in terms of experimental data presented in the present study has been maximum, and should be considered as the most significant contributor after the corresponding author. KI performed analysis and quantitation of in situ hybridization studies in primary prostate specimens. AK performed IHC as well as ICC studies of co-localization, isolation, and analysis of exosomes as well as ZFPL1 function studies. AK also contributed towards critical revision of the manuscript and final figure preparations. NM, AA and AK confirm the authenticity of all the raw data. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Ethics approval and consent to participate

The protocol for the acquisition and the use of human specimens in the present study was approved (approval no. ULM clinical study protocol 001) by the Institutional Review Committee of University of Louisiana at Monroe (Monroe, USA) as well as the CHTN Southern Section.

Patient consent for publication

Not applicable.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


The authors are grateful to the Co-operative Tissue Network for providing frozen prostate tissue specimens and the National Cancer Institute for Prostate Tissue Microarrays.


The present study was supported by grant CA096534 of the National Institutes of Health and Calhoun Endowment.



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Masud N, Aldahish A, Iczkowski KA, Kale A and Shah GV: Zinc finger protein‑like 1 is a novel neuroendocrine biomarker for prostate cancer Retraction in /10.3892/ijo.2025.5722. Int J Oncol 62: 38, 2023.
Masud, N., Aldahish, A., Iczkowski, K.A., Kale, A., & Shah, G.V. (2023). Zinc finger protein‑like 1 is a novel neuroendocrine biomarker for prostate cancer Retraction in /10.3892/ijo.2025.5722. International Journal of Oncology, 62, 38.
Masud, N., Aldahish, A., Iczkowski, K. A., Kale, A., Shah, G. V."Zinc finger protein‑like 1 is a novel neuroendocrine biomarker for prostate cancer Retraction in /10.3892/ijo.2025.5722". International Journal of Oncology 62.3 (2023): 38.
Masud, N., Aldahish, A., Iczkowski, K. A., Kale, A., Shah, G. V."Zinc finger protein‑like 1 is a novel neuroendocrine biomarker for prostate cancer Retraction in /10.3892/ijo.2025.5722". International Journal of Oncology 62, no. 3 (2023): 38.