Spermatocytic tumor of the testis: A case report and mini‑review of the literature
- Authors:
- Published online on: September 11, 2023 https://doi.org/10.3892/mi.2023.111
- Article Number: 51
Copyright : © Bapir et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License [CC BY 4.0].
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Spermatocytic tumors are a rare type of testicular cancer, comprising <1% of all testicular malignancies. This type of cancer typically affects males in their 60s and 70s and rarely metastasizes; however, it poses a threat to the health of affected individuals if left untreated. The present study describes the case of a 68‑year‑old male patient with this type of tumor, including a presentation of his initial symptoms, treatment and subsequent monitoring. A male patient, aged 68 years, visited the authors' clinic with an asymptomatic mass in the right testicle. The mass had been progressively increasing in size for a duration of 5 years following a history of blunt injury. During the examination, a noticeable, painless enlargement was detected in the right testis, whereas the left testis appeared to be in a normal state. Tumor markers were within normal limits. Imaging revealed a complex mass (11x8x7 cm) almost replacing the right testis, with no detectable lymph nodes. A right radical orchidectomy was performed under spinal anesthesia. A histopathological examination revealed a spermatocytic tumor. The post‑operative period was uneventful, with no metastasis detected in the CT scans. The patient was discharged with instructions for regular follow‑up appointments. The case presented herein highlights a rare spermatocytic tumor in a 68‑year‑old male. The early detection and treatment of testicular tumors, regardless of age, are crucial for a good prognosis.