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Uterine carcinosarcoma with intestinal involvement: A case report and literature review

  • Authors:
    • Pilar Laguna-Hernández
    • Fernando Mendoza-Moreno
    • Marta Bru-Aparicio
    • Ricardo Alvarado-Hurtado
    • Sonia Soto-Schütte
    • Eduardo Serrano-Yébenes
    • Youssef Allaoua-Moussaoui
    • Felix Mañes-Jiménez
    • Rubén Jiménez-Martín
    • Laura Jiménez-Alvarez
    • Diego Córdova-Garcia
    • Manuel  Mariano Diez-Alonso
    • Alberto Gutiérrez-Calvo
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: March 1, 2023
  • Article Number: 15
  • Copyright: © Laguna-Hernández et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Uterine carcinosarcoma (UCS) is a high‑grade endometrial cancer characterized by two components: Carcinomatous (epithelial) and sarcomatous (stromal tissue) elements. The present study describes a clinical case of this type of UCS and also provides a brief literature review of this type of tumor. A 72‑year‑old female visited the emergency department of the authors' hospital with pain in the hypogastric region, intestinal dysrhythmia since 3 months prior, fever and a palpable abdominal mass. Laboratory test results revealed sepsis and mild anemia and an imaging test revealed a large uterine tumor with wide areas of necrosis and adenopathies. As determined by the multidisciplinary committee, surgery was considered the main treatment option and this was performed with no incidences. Carcinosarcoma is a rare tumor, which most frequently occurs in older women. The diagnosis is based on symptoms and imaging tests, such as ecography and scans. The gold standard of treatment is surgery, although it is possible that other types of therapies, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy may also be effective, depending on the tumor stage. On the whole, the prognosis of patients with this type of tumor is poor, with a low survival rate, even in earlier stages due to its malignant component and the possibility for metastasis. Surgery is the optimal treatment for this type of tumor, if this is possible, always individualizing patients.
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March-April 2023
Volume 3 Issue 2

Print ISSN: 2754-3242
Online ISSN:2754-1304

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Laguna-Hernández P, Mendoza-Moreno F, Bru-Aparicio M, Alvarado-Hurtado R, Soto-Schütte S, Serrano-Yébenes E, Allaoua-Moussaoui Y, Mañes-Jiménez F, Jiménez-Martín R, Jiménez-Alvarez L, Jiménez-Alvarez L, et al: Uterine carcinosarcoma with intestinal involvement: A case report and literature review. Med Int 3: 15, 2023.
Laguna-Hernández, P., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Bru-Aparicio, M., Alvarado-Hurtado, R., Soto-Schütte, S., Serrano-Yébenes, E. ... Gutiérrez-Calvo, A. (2023). Uterine carcinosarcoma with intestinal involvement: A case report and literature review. Medicine International, 3, 15.
Laguna-Hernández, P., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Bru-Aparicio, M., Alvarado-Hurtado, R., Soto-Schütte, S., Serrano-Yébenes, E., Allaoua-Moussaoui, Y., Mañes-Jiménez, F., Jiménez-Martín, R., Jiménez-Alvarez, L., Córdova-Garcia, D., Diez-Alonso, M. M., Gutiérrez-Calvo, A."Uterine carcinosarcoma with intestinal involvement: A case report and literature review". Medicine International 3.2 (2023): 15.
Laguna-Hernández, P., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Bru-Aparicio, M., Alvarado-Hurtado, R., Soto-Schütte, S., Serrano-Yébenes, E., Allaoua-Moussaoui, Y., Mañes-Jiménez, F., Jiménez-Martín, R., Jiménez-Alvarez, L., Córdova-Garcia, D., Diez-Alonso, M. M., Gutiérrez-Calvo, A."Uterine carcinosarcoma with intestinal involvement: A case report and literature review". Medicine International 3, no. 2 (2023): 15.