Cloning and characterization of a novel splicing isoform of USF1

  • Authors:
    • Tomoko Saito
    • Takayuki Oishi
    • Kazuyuki Yanai
    • Yoko Shimamoto
    • Akiyoshi Fukamizu
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: August 1, 2003
  • Pages: 161-167
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The ubiquitous basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor USFs encoded by two distinct genes (USF1 and USF2) recognize a core motif, CACGTG, termed E box and regulate the expression of a variety of genes. USF1 and USF2 proteins form homo- and heterodimers to bind the target core motif DNA. Here, we report the molecular cloning and functional characterization of a novel alternative splicing variant of human USF1 (hUSF1), termed USF1/BD. Compared with USF1 wild-type (wt), USF1/BD lacks the N-terminal transactivation domain. Cloning and characterization of the hUSF1 genomic region revealed that USF1/BD is generated by excising the sequence corresponding to a part of exon 4. In transiently transfected cells, USF1/BD was localized in the nucleus and repressed the promoter activity of the human angiotensinogen gene. In vitro translated USF1/BD possessed DNA binding activity as a homodimer and a heterodimer with USF1 (wt). These results suggest that USF1/BD plays a role as a modulator of USF1 to control the expression of target genes.

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August 2003
Volume 12 Issue 2

Print ISSN: 1107-3756
Online ISSN:1791-244X

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Saito T, Oishi T, Yanai K, Shimamoto Y and Fukamizu A: Cloning and characterization of a novel splicing isoform of USF1. Int J Mol Med 12: 161-167, 2003.
Saito, T., Oishi, T., Yanai, K., Shimamoto, Y., & Fukamizu, A. (2003). Cloning and characterization of a novel splicing isoform of USF1. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 12, 161-167.
Saito, T., Oishi, T., Yanai, K., Shimamoto, Y., Fukamizu, A."Cloning and characterization of a novel splicing isoform of USF1". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 12.2 (2003): 161-167.
Saito, T., Oishi, T., Yanai, K., Shimamoto, Y., Fukamizu, A."Cloning and characterization of a novel splicing isoform of USF1". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 12, no. 2 (2003): 161-167.