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Identification and validation of PCDHGA12 and PRRX1 methylation for detecting lung cancer in bronchial washing sample

  • Authors:
    • Tae Jeong Oh
    • Seunghyun Jang
    • Su Ji Kim
    • Min A Woo
    • Ji Woong Son
    • In Beom Jeong
    • Min Hyeok Lee
    • Sungwhan An
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: April 3, 2024
  • Article Number: 246
  • Copyright: © Oh et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Bronchoscopy is a frequently used initial diagnostic procedure for patients with suspected lung cancer (LC). Cytological examinations of bronchial washing (BW) samples obtained during bronchoscopy often yield inconclusive results regarding LC diagnosis. The present study aimed to identify molecular biomarkers as a non‑invasive method for LC diagnosis. Aberrant DNA methylation is used as a useful biomarker for LC. Therefore, microarray‑based methylation profiling analyses on 13 patient‑matched tumor tissues at stages I‑III vs. non‑tumor tissues were performed, and a group of highly differentially methylated genes was identified. A subsequent analysis using bisulfite‑pyrosequencing with additional tissues and cell lines revealed six methylated genes [ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 20, forkhead box C2 (mesenchyme forkhead 1), NK2 transcription factor related, locus 5 (Drosophila), oligodendrocyte transcription factor 3, protocadherin γ subfamily A 12 (PCDHGA12) and paired related homeobox 1 (PRRX1)] associated with LC. Next, a highly sensitive and accurate detection method, linear target enrichment‑quantitative methylation‑specific PCR in a single closed tube, was applied for clinical validation using BW samples from patients with LC (n=68) and individuals with benign diseases (n=33). PCDHGA12 and PRRX1 methylation were identified as the best‑performing biomarkers to detect LC. The two‑marker combination showed a sensitivity of 82.4% and a specificity of 87.9%, with an area under the curve of 0.891. Notably, the sensitivity for small cell LC was 100%. The two‑marker combination had a positive predictive value of 93.3% and a negative predictive value of 70.7%. The sensitivity was higher than that of cytology, which only had a sensitivity of 50%. The methylation status of the two‑marker combination showed no association with sex, age or stage, but was associated with tumor location and histology. In conclusion, the present study showed that the regulatory regions of PCDHGA12 and PRRX1 are highly methylated in LC and can be used to detect LC in BW specimens as a diagnostic adjunct to cytology in clinical practice.
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Volume 27 Issue 6

Print ISSN: 1792-1074
Online ISSN:1792-1082

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Spandidos Publications style
Oh T, Jang S, Kim S, Woo M, Son J, Jeong I, Lee M and An S: Identification and validation of <em>PCDHGA12</em> and <em>PRRX1</em> methylation for detecting lung cancer in bronchial washing sample. Oncol Lett 27: 246, 2024.
Oh, T., Jang, S., Kim, S., Woo, M., Son, J., Jeong, I. ... An, S. (2024). Identification and validation of <em>PCDHGA12</em> and <em>PRRX1</em> methylation for detecting lung cancer in bronchial washing sample. Oncology Letters, 27, 246.
Oh, T., Jang, S., Kim, S., Woo, M., Son, J., Jeong, I., Lee, M., An, S."Identification and validation of <em>PCDHGA12</em> and <em>PRRX1</em> methylation for detecting lung cancer in bronchial washing sample". Oncology Letters 27.6 (2024): 246.
Oh, T., Jang, S., Kim, S., Woo, M., Son, J., Jeong, I., Lee, M., An, S."Identification and validation of <em>PCDHGA12</em> and <em>PRRX1</em> methylation for detecting lung cancer in bronchial washing sample". Oncology Letters 27, no. 6 (2024): 246.