Mechanism of isoflurane‑mediated breast cancer growth in vivo

  • Authors:
    • Sophia Koutsogiannaki
    • Wei Wang
    • Lifei Hou
    • Toshiaki Okuno
    • Koichi Yuki
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: April 30, 2024
  • Article Number: 287
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Use of volatile anesthetics is associated with worse outcome following tumor resection surgery compared with the use of intravenous anesthetics. However, the underlying mechanism has not been clearly delineated yet in vivo. The EO771 cell‑based congenic breast cancer model was used in the present study. Isoflurane directly binds to and inhibits two adhesion molecules, leukocyte function‑associated antigen‑1 (LFA‑1) and macrophage‑1 antigen (Mac‑1). Similarly, exposure to sevoflurane, another volatile anesthetic and LFA‑1 inhibitor, is associated with an increase in breast cancer size compared with non‑exposure. Thus, the present study first examined the role of LFA‑1 and Mac‑1 in the EO771 breast cancer model. Both LFA‑1 deficiency and inhibition enhanced tumor growth, which was supported by cytokine and eicosanoid data profiles. By contrast, Mac‑1 deficiency did not affect tumor growth. The exposure to isoflurane and sevoflurane was associated with an increase in breast cancer size compared with non‑exposure. These data suggested that isoflurane enhanced tumor growth by interacting with LFA‑1. Isoflurane exposure did not affect tumor growth in LFA‑1‑deficient mice. In summary, the present data showed that LFA‑1 deficiency facilitated breast cancer growth, and isoflurane, an LFA‑1 inhibitor, also increased breast cancer growth.
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Volume 27 Issue 6

Print ISSN: 1792-1074
Online ISSN:1792-1082

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Spandidos Publications style
Koutsogiannaki S, Wang W, Hou L, Okuno T and Yuki K: Mechanism of isoflurane‑mediated breast cancer growth <em>in vivo</em>. Oncol Lett 27: 287, 2024.
Koutsogiannaki, S., Wang, W., Hou, L., Okuno, T., & Yuki, K. (2024). Mechanism of isoflurane‑mediated breast cancer growth <em>in vivo</em>. Oncology Letters, 27, 287.
Koutsogiannaki, S., Wang, W., Hou, L., Okuno, T., Yuki, K."Mechanism of isoflurane‑mediated breast cancer growth <em>in vivo</em>". Oncology Letters 27.6 (2024): 287.
Koutsogiannaki, S., Wang, W., Hou, L., Okuno, T., Yuki, K."Mechanism of isoflurane‑mediated breast cancer growth <em>in vivo</em>". Oncology Letters 27, no. 6 (2024): 287.