Association between parental myopia and the risk of myopia in a child

  • Authors:
    • Xiaoyu Zhang
    • Xinhua Qu
    • Xingtao Zhou
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: April 8, 2015
  • Pages: 2420-2428
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The association between parental myopia and a child's risk of developing the condition is not well understood. Therefore, the present study conducted a meta‑analysis of the results of observational studies in order to investigate the association between myopia in parents and their child's risk of developing the condition. The current study systematically examined the databases MEDLINE, Embase and Ovid for relevant studies. Two reviewers independently evaluated the data and extracted the odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) from the suitable studies. Heterogeneity, publication bias and subgroup analyses were performed. The present meta‑analysis included 31,677 participants from 16 studies with 8,393 cases of myopia (six prospective cohort, eight cross‑sectional and two case‑control studies). The OR of giving birth to a child with myopia, according to the prospective cohort, cross‑sectional and case‑control studies, was 1.53 (95% CI, 1.21‑1.85), 1.96 (95% CI, 1.53‑2.39), and 2.13 (95% CI, 1.79‑2.46), respectively, when one parent had myopia, and 2.10 (95% CI, 1.42‑2.77), 2.96 (95% CI, 2.21‑3.71), and 2.13 (95% CI, 1.79‑2.46), respectively, when two parents had myopia. The current study identified a significant positive association between parental myopia and a child's risk of developing myopia. Children of two parents with myopia had a higher risk of developing myopia compared to those with one myopic parent.
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Volume 9 Issue 6

Print ISSN: 1792-0981
Online ISSN:1792-1015

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Spandidos Publications style
Zhang X, Qu X and Zhou X: Association between parental myopia and the risk of myopia in a child. Exp Ther Med 9: 2420-2428, 2015.
Zhang, X., Qu, X., & Zhou, X. (2015). Association between parental myopia and the risk of myopia in a child. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 9, 2420-2428.
Zhang, X., Qu, X., Zhou, X."Association between parental myopia and the risk of myopia in a child". Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 9.6 (2015): 2420-2428.
Zhang, X., Qu, X., Zhou, X."Association between parental myopia and the risk of myopia in a child". Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 9, no. 6 (2015): 2420-2428.