Irrelevance of anti‑nAChR cytoplasmic loop antibody in the degree of myasthenia gravis

  • Authors:
    • Ye Lin
    • Chen Song
    • Jiang Xu
    • Yongxiang Yang
    • Hang Qin
    • Cong Zhao
    • Jiaji Lin
    • Rui Liu
    • Zhuyi Li
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: July 19, 2017
  • Pages: 931-939
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Anti‑nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) antibody in myasthenia gravis (MG) usually refers to that against the extracellular domain (ECD) of nAChR. However, growing evidence has indicated that there also exists the nAChR antibody against the nAChR cytoplasmic loop (CL) in patients with MG. Some studies have demonstrated that the anti‑CL antibody may play a protective role in animal models of experimental autoimmune MG. However, to date, limited or no information is available as to whether anti‑CL antibody plays a beneficial role in patients with MG. In this, we examined the levels of anti‑CL and anti‑ECD antibodies in the sera of 76 patients with MG from the MG sample bank of our department, including 29 generalized MG (gMG) and 47 ocular MG (OMG) cases, as well as 40 healthy controls by radioimmunoassay. We also analyzed the correlation between anti‑CL antibody levels and the degree of severity in patients with MG. Our results revealed that among the 76 patients with MG, 61 serum samples (80.3%) were positive for anti‑ECD nAChR antibody, among which 38 (38/61, 62.3%) were positive for anti‑CL antibody. The levels of anti‑ECD antibodies in gMG were higher than those in OMG; however, the levels of anti‑CL antibodies in gMG were comparable with those in OMG. No clear correlation was observed between the anti‑ECD antibody levels and those of anti‑CL antibody. Taken together, our findings provide the first clinical evidence of the possibly different role of anti‑CL antibody in patients with MG compared to its role in animal models of MG. Anti‑CL antibody may not exert a beneficial effect in patients with MG, but may play an as yet udetermined role in the development of MG.


Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a typical autoimmune disease caused by antibodies against the muscle type nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) of the neuromuscular junction. Anti-nAChR antibodies reduce the number of effective nAChRs at the endplate, causing the failure of synaptic electrical-chemical coupling, resulting in muscle weakness and fatigability (1,2). Anti-nAChR antibodies are detectable in approximately 90% of myasthenic patient sera (3).

nAChR, from fish electric organs and vertebrate skeletal muscles, is a transmembrane glycoprotein composed of 5 homologous subunits organized into a cation channel in the order of α1γα1δβ1 in denervated skeletal muscle, and α1εα1δβ1 in innervated skeletal muscle (4). Each subunit in nAChR consists of 2 parts: the extracellular domain (ECD) and the cytoplasmic loop (CL). Agonists, such as acetylcholine and competitive antagonists, such as α-bungarotoxin (α-BTX) (5), bind to the two α subunits and regulate the ion channel. Anti-nAChR antibodies do not bind to the Ach binding site of nAChR, and antibody-nAChR complexes extracted from muscle do bind 125Iα-BTX. Therefore, the concentration of anti-nAChR antibodies in sera can be determined in terms of the 125Iα-BTX-binding site (6).

In the sera from patietns with MG, most anti-nAChR antibodies bind to a small region on the extracellular side of the α1 subunit, the main immunogenic region (MIR) (79). Most of the known anti-nAChR antibodies recognize the extracellular side of nAChR (10). However, a growing body of evidence has indicated that anti-nAChR CL antibodies also exist in the sera of patients with MG (1113). It has been reported that approximately 17% of patients with MG are anti-CL antibody-positive (14). At present, relatively little is known regarding the association between anti-CL antibodies and the clinical profile of MG.

Recently, several studies have demonstrated that anti-CL antibody may play a protective role in animal models of experimental autoimmune MG (EAMG), in which they discovered a novel approach to the specific immunosuppression of EAMG with a therapeutic vaccine consisting of bacterially-expressed human nAChR CL, which has the potential to specifically suppress MG without the danger of causing exacerbation (1113,15). However, to date, information about the constitutive effects of anti-CL antibody on the process of MG and its relevance to the degree of MG is lacking. In our retrospective study, we measured the levels of anti-CL antibody in the serum samples of 76 patients with MG, and analyzed its association with the clinical profile and anti-ECD muscle nAChR titers.

Materials and methods

Human subjects

The sera from 76 patients with MG were collected from the MG sample bank of the Department of Neurology, Tangdu Hospital, Xi'an, China. All samples in the MG sample bank were diagnosed according to the diagnostic criteria. The following criteria were used to diagnose MG (16,17): i) acquired weakness of skeletal muscles, including cranial muscles; ii) fluctuation in muscle strength; iii) 10% decrease in compound muscle action potential amplitude in response to stimulation at 3–5 Hz and increased jitter on single-fiber electromyography; and iv) positive response to a cholinesterase inhibitor. Exclusion criteria were pregnancy. A total of 40 healthy subjects were recruited as the controls and were matched with the patients with MG in age, sex and demography. According to the principles expressed in the Helsinki Declaration and to the ethics committee-approved protocols, all subjects provided written and signed informed consent prior to enrollment. Blood sample collections from human subjects for detailed immunological assessments were approved by the Ethics Committee of the Fourth Military Medical University. All patients and healthy controls provided written informed consent.

Preparation of human muscle native nAChR

Human skeletal muscle was obtained from the amputated leg of a diabetic patient treated for gangrene as the nAChR source. We followed the protocols described in the studies by Lindstrom et al (6) and Chang et al (18) and made necessary changes. The muscle was chopped into small sections of 10–15 g, flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −80°C. Muscle was homogenized with a pre-chilled electrical blender for 1–2 min a 4°C in 300 ml of 0.1 M NaCl, 0.01 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). Following centrifugation at 9×103 rpm for 20 min, the supernatant was discarded. Homogenization and centrifugation were repeated with the pellet. The pellets were extracted in 160 ml 2% Triton X-100, 0,1 M NaCl, 20 mM EDTA, 0.01 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), 0.01M NaN3 by homogenizing for 20 sec, followed by gentle shaking for 1 h at 4°C. Following centrifugation at 105 g/4°C for 30 min, the resulting supernatant was suctioned using a syringe, pooled, glycerol was added to 10%, mixed well, and stored as 1 ml aliquot at −80°C.

Preparation of recombinant human muscle nAChR CL Plasmid and bacterial strain

The plasmid vector pET16b and the prokaryotic expression host strain E. coli BL21 (DE3) were purchased from Novagen, Darmstadt, Germany.

Human muscle nAChR CL expression vector construction

DNA sequences encoding the CL of the human muscle nAChR subunits, α1 (residues 301–374), β1 (residues 312–412), and δ (residues 315–416), were codon-optimized to E. Coli preferred codons and synthesized (Genscript Co., Nanjing, China). Wild-type CL from human muscle nAChR α1 subunits lacked tyrosine residue, the key amino acid for iodination labeling. Therefore, 2 additional tyrosine residues were incorporated into the C-terminal of AChRα1 CL by PCR to generate the coding sequence. For the wild-type β1 and δ subunits, which already contain the tyrosine residues, there was no need to change the synthesized coding sequences. These sequences were inserted into the NdeI and BamHI sites of pET16b (Novagen), and transformed into expression host BL21 (DE3) (Novagen). Recombinant clones were checked for insertion by restriction digestion and sequencing (Genscript Co.).

Expression and purification of proteins corresponding to the nAChR CL

Recombinant nAChR CL was generated from the BL21 (DE3) cells harboring the expression plasmids at an OD600 of 4.0 using a homemade fermentor. This was followed by induction with 1 mM isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) for 4 h at 37°C. The cell pellets were collected by centrifugation. For extraction of recombinant proteins, cell pellets were solubilized in 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 8.0), 6 M guanidine hydrochloride, 5 mM imidazole, sheared with an electric blender to reduce the stickiness of the solution and centrifuged at 28,000 × g at 4°C for 30 min. The supernatant was then passed through a 5-ml Histrap FF column (GE Healthcare, Piscataway, NJ, USA). Bound protein was eluted by 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 8.0), 6 M guanidine hydrochloride, 500 mM imidazole. Eluted fractions containing protein peaks were pooled, dialyzed against 0.1% SDS, 10 mM EDTA, and then loaded to several preparative SDS-PAGE gels. Protein bands were visualized by staining with 0.1 M CuSO4 solution and the band corresponding to the recombinant CL were excised. Proteins within the bands were electroeluted, dialyzed to remove residue Cu2+ ion, concentrated by ultrafiltration (Amicon Ultra 3K filters) and stored at −20°C.

Iodination labeling of α-BTX and recombinant nAChR CL

The recombinant nAChR CL proteins and α-BTX were labeled with 125I using the Chloramine T method as previously described by Lindstrom et al (9) and Greenwood et al (19). Briefly, 2 µCi of 125I (Carrier free, Chengdu Gaotong Isotope Co., Ltd., Chengdu, China) was mixed with 12 µl of 0.5 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and 70 µg (approximately 7 nmol) of recombinant nAChR CL protein or α-BTX, and then mixed with 2 µl of 1.6 M chloramine T. The mixture was then incubated on ice for 25 min with occasional shaking and then loaded to a PD-10 Desalting column (GE Healthcare). Protein was eluted using phosphate sodium buffer containing 0.1% SDS for recombinant nAChR CL or phosphate sodium buffer for α-BTX. Fractions of 0.3 ml were collected and monitored for radioactivity. Fractions containing radioactivity were pooled and the final volume was adjusted with phosphate buffer saline to yield a protein concentration of 2×10−6 M.

Radioimmunoassay of anti-native nAChR and anti-CL anti- bodies from the sera of patients with MG

Serum anti-nAChR antibodies were measured using radioimmunoprecipitation (20) by 125Iα-BTX-labeled native nAChR, 125I-labeled nAChRα1-CL, 125I-labeled nAChRβ1-CL, and 125I-labeled nAChRδ-CL. For the measurement of antibodies against nAChR-CL, 500 µl of diluted 125I-labeld nAChR CL protein (final concentration, approximately 10−9 M) in 0.5% Triton X-100, 0.005% SDS, were incubated with 10 µl of MG patient serum, followed by the addition of 10 µl of rabbit anti-human antibody for 2 h. For the measurement of antibodies against native human nAChR, 125I-labeled-α-BTX was mixed with 1 ml of human skeletal muscle extract to a final concentration of 10−9 M, followed by the addition of 10 µl of rabbit anti-human antibody for 2 h. The immune complex was precipitated by centrifugation at 13,000 rpm/4°C/5 min, and the pellets washed twice with PBS (pH7.2) containing 0.5% Triton X-100. The radioactivity was measured using a γ-counter (CNNC Xi'an Nuclear Instrument Factory, Xi'an, China). Background radioactivity was measured without patient serum.

Statistical analysis

The antibody concentrations of anti-native nAChR and anti-CL are expressed in nM. The data were analyzed using SPSS 17.0 software. Continuous variables are listed as the means ± standard deviation (SD) and were analyzed using the Student's t-test. The differences in sex, MG type according to onset age, MG type and onset MG type were analyzed using Chi-square tests, and the analysis of antibody of ECD and CL were tested by linear regression analysis. A two-tailed P-value of <0.05 was considered to indicate a statistically significant difference.


Expression and purification of three CLs from human muscle nAChR in the α1, β1 and δ subunits

We generated 3 target proteins with a gradient of molecular masses at approximately 15 kDa (Fig. 1A). We optimized the purification of CLs from nAChR proteins with recombinant protein fractions (Fig. 1B).

Patient data

A total of 76 patients were clinically diagnosed with MG. The patient characteristics are shown in Table I and summarized in Table II. There were 46 (60.5%) males and 30 (39.5%) females. The median age at diagnosis was 45 years (range, 2–79 years). A total of 11 patients (14.5%) had thymoma; 2 patients (2.6%) had hyperthyroidism and 2 patients (2.6%) had rheumatoid arthritis. In the present study, 29 patients (38.2%) were clinically classified as ocular MG (OMG) and 47 patients (61.8%) were classified as generalized MG (gMG). In total, 42 patients (55.3%) were diagnosed with OMG initially and 13 (30.1%) of these 42 patients then developed gMG. A total of 34 (44.8%) patients were initially diagnosed with gMG.

Table I

Patient characteristics.

Table I

Patient characteristics.

No.Age (years)SexDisease duration (months)Maximum MGFA classThymus changeOther autoimmune diseaseAChR titer (nmol/l)All previous therapies at blood draw
146M9IIThymomaNone38.08PB, TS
346M180IINone Hyperthyroidism1.03PB
513M120INoneNone178.04PB, Pred
635M84IINoneNone0.17PB, Pred, MMF
918F2IIThymomaNone166.74PB, Pred, TS
1231F8IINoneNone60.50PB, Pred, CYC
1455F2IIThymomaNone31.48PB, TS
1550M84IINoneNone289.84PB, Pred
1667M36IINoneNone29.08PB, Pred, CYC
1827F24IINoneNone26.58PB, Pred, AZA
1953F324INoneNone1.34PB, Pred, MMF
2323F12IINoneNone378.14PB, Pred
2566F8IIThymomaNone1.44PB, TS
2653F36IINoneRA125.24PB, Pred
3623M36INoneNone0.47PB, Pred, AZA
3913F60IINoneNone91.76PB, Pred
4213M132INoneNone68.02PB, Pred, AZA
4432F180INoneNone105.07PB, CYC, IVIg
4661M480IIINoneNone2.01PB, Pred, CYC
4847M60IIThymomaNone61.57PB, TS
499M8IIThymomaNone0.44PB, TS
5028M264IINoneNone145.44PB, Pred, AZA, IVIg
5147M60IIIThymomaNone483.84PB, Pred, AZA, IVIg, TS
5734F120IIThymomaNone4.33PB, Pred, AZA, TS
5950M4IIThymomaNone9.58PB, TS
6017M24INoneNone458.84PB, Pred
6379F24IIThymomaNone437.64PB, Pred, AZA, IVIg, TS
6445M60IThymomaNone226.94PB, Pred, TS
6810F36IINoneNone6.33PB, Pred, AZA
7327F0.6IIn.a.None3.27PB, Pred, AZA
7567M12IINoneNone7.35PB, Pred, CYC

[i] M, male; F, female; n.a., not available; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; PB, pyridostigmine bromide; TS, thymussectomy; Pred, prednisone/prednisdone; MMF, mycophenolate; CYC, cyclophosphamide; AZA, azathioprine; IVIg, intravenous immunoglobulin.

Table II

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the 76 patients with MG.

Table II

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the 76 patients with MG.

VariableValue (no. of patients, %)
 Male46 (60.5)
 Female30 (39.5)
MG type according to age at onset
 EOMG51 (67.1)
 LOMG25 (32.9)
MG type
 OMG29 (38.2)
 gMG47 (61.8)
MG type at onset
 OMG42 (55.3)
 gMG34 (44.8)
With thymoma11 (14.5)
With hyperthyroidism2 (2.6)
With RA2 (2.6)
Native AChR Abs positivity61 (80.3)
CL Abs positivity38 (50.0)
 α1CL Abs positivity29 (38.2)
 β1CL Abs positivity27 (35.5)
 δCL Abs positivity25 (32.9)
 More than one CL Abs positivity23 (30.3)
 All three CL Abs positivity20 (26.3)

[i] MG, myasthenia gravis; EOMG, early-onset myasthenia gravis; LOMG, late-onset myasthenia gravis; OMG, ocular myasthenia gravis; gMG, generalized myasthenia gravis; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; ECD Ab positive, antibodies to extracellular domain of human nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ≥0.6 nM; CL Ab positive, any of three kinds of antibodies against to cytoplasmic loop ≥0.6 nM; α1CL Ab, antibodies to cytoplasmic loop in α1 subunit ≥0.6 nM; β1CL Ab, antibodies to cytoplasmic loop in β1 subunit ≥0.6 nM; δCL Ab, antibodies to cytoplasmic loop in δ subunit ≥0.6 nM.

Anti-CL antibody levels in patients with different types of MG

In total, 61 (80.3%) were native nAChR antibody-positive. In addition, 29 (38.2%), 27 (35.5%) and 25 samples (32.9%) were positive for antibodies to α1CL, β1CL and δCL, respectively. The results revealed that 50% (38 of the patients with MG) had antibodies to at least one of the three CL domains of nAChR (Table II). We found that 30.3% (23 of the patients with MG) had antibodies to more than one of the three CL domains of nAChR. Of these, 20 were positive for all three CL antibodies. The results also revealed that 38 (38/61, 62.3%) were positive for anti-CL antibody among the 61 anti-ECD antibody-positive patients. These results suggested that approximately half of the patients with MG were anti-CL antibody-positive.

The levels of anti-α1CL antibodies in the patients with OMG were higher compared with those of the control subjects (P<0.01). The gMG rates were also significantly higher compared with the controls (P<0.001); however, there was no difference in these levels between the patients with OMG and gMG (Fig. 2A). The results of β1 and δ subunits displayed a similar pattern (Fig. 2B and C). However, the levels of anti-native nAChR antibodies in gMG were higher than those in OMG (Fig. 2D). We measured absorption to the ECD of nAChR as follows: the absorption of 125I-toxin-labeled native nAChR minus the absorption of 125I-labeled CL titers. The levels of anti-ECD antibodies in gMG were also higher than those in OMG (Fig. 2E). Taken together, our findings indicated that anti-CL antibodies in the patients with MG were higher than those in the controls, particularly in the patients with gMG; however, the levels of anti-CL antibodies did not differ between the patients with OMG and gMG.

Association between anti-CL antibody and anti-native nAChR antibody in patients with MG

We tested sera from 76 patients with MG for antibodies directed against native nAChR and the CLs of nAChR by immunoprecipitation with 125Iα-BTX-labeled nAChR and 125I-labeled CLs. Three antibodies against CLs in the α1, β1 and δ subunits of nAChR were arranged in order of the increasing concentration of anti-native nAChR antibodies (Fig. 3A). In total, 11 patients (14.5%) had thymoma (Table II). Approximately half of these were anti-CL-negative. The other half of the patients with thymoma, even though they were anti-CL antibody-positive, the levels of anti-CL antibody were <2 nM (Fig. 3A).

We classified the patients with MG into 4 groups according to the concentration of anti-native nAChR antibody as <0.6, 0.6–6.6, 6.6–66, or >66 nM (Fig. 3B). We compared the positive rates of anti-CL antibodies among the 4 groups. We found that no patients were anti-CL antibody-positive in the sera titer <0.6 nM group. In the group with sera titers between 0.6 and 6.6 nM, anti-CL positivity was 20%. The anti-CL antibody positive rates in the sera titer group between 6.6 and 66 nM group was 50%, and 40% in the >66 nM group. We randomly selected samples from the 4 groups to further analyze the consistency in the 3 anti-CL antibodies. We found that the 3 anti-CL antibodies exhibited similar results, particularly in the low titer of anti-CL antibodies in patient nos. 6 and 52 (Fig. 3C).

We examined the correlation of antibodies directed against the CLs of nAChR and native nAChR. The results revealed no correlation between antibodies to CLs and antibodies to native nAChR (Fig. 4A–C). Likewise, antibodies to CLs of nAChR were not associated with antibodies to ECD of nAChR (Fig. 4D–F).

No relevance of anti-CL antibody with sex, age and MG type in patients with MG

We assumed the sample was anti-CL antibody-positive if any of the 3 anti-CL antibody levels (from subunits α1, β1 and δ) was >0.6 nM (21). Out of the 29 patients with OMG, 14 (48%) were anti-CL-positive; of the 47 patients with gMG, 24 (51%) were anti-CL-positive. However, there was no significant difference in anti-CL positivity between the patients with OMG and gMG. According to the age at onset, MG was classified into early-onset MG (EOMG) and late-onset MG (LOMG). We found no statistically significant difference in the anti-CL antibody positivity rates between the patients with EOMG and LOMG (Table III). Apart from the frequency of positive antibody, the levels of anti-CLs, anti-native nAChR and anti-ECD antibodies were compared between sexes, the type of MG according to the onset age and the onset MG type. The results revealed no differences in the level of anti-CL antibodies between sexes, the type of MG according to the age at onset and the type of MG at onset. The results were comparable with those of the anti-native nAChR antibody and anti-ECD antibody (data not shown).

Table III

Clinical differences between patients who were CL Ab- positive and those that were CL Ab-negative.

Table III

Clinical differences between patients who were CL Ab- positive and those that were CL Ab-negative.

Variable (no. of patients)CL Abs (n=38)
Positive (%)Negative (%)
 Male (46)23 (50)23 (50)1
 Female (30)15 (50)15 (50)
MG type according to age at onset
 EOMG (51)27 (53)24 (47)0.46
 LOMG (25)11 (44)14 (56)
MG type
 OMG (29)14 (48)15 (52)0.81
 gMG (47)24 (51)23 (49)
MG type at onset
 OMG (42)19 (45)23 (55)0.36
 gMG (34)19 (56)15 (44)

[i] MG, myasthenia gravis; EOMG, early-onset myasthenia gravis; LOMG, late-onset myasthenia gravis; OMG, ocular myasthenia gravis; gMG, generalized myasthenia gravis; CL Ab, antibodies to human nicotinic acetylcholine receptor cytoplasmic loop.


In the present study, we successfully expressed and purified the α1, β1 and δ subunits of CL in nAChR, which are common in both fetal and adult nAChR. We detected anti-CL antibodies in 76 patients with MG and found that the levels of any of the 3 anti-CL antibodies were significantly higher in the patients with MG compared with the controls.

It is important to address the significance of the existence of antibodies directed against CL of nAChR. It is important to determine whether these antibodies directed against CL of nAChR play a functional role in MG. Several studies have reported that anti-CL antibody of nAChR plays a protective role in the development of EAMG (1113). For example, Luo et al demonstrated a therapeutic vaccine consisting of bacterially-expressed human muscle nAChR cytoplasmic domains for the antigen-specific immunosuppression of MG to be safe, robust and long-lasting (15). Several studies have confirmed the existence of anti-CL of nAChR antibodies in both patients with MG and EAMG (2224). However, the mechanisms involved are still unknown. It has been suggested that B cells are suppressed by the secreting antibody, supporting the inhibitory receptor FcγRIIB on the surface of B cells (25,26). It is tempting to speculate that followng the immunization of the CLs of nAChR, the levels of anti-CL antibodies increase and clinical symptoms are relieved. This may be due to the combination of the antigen-antibody complexes and inhibitory receptor FcγRIIB, which strongly inhibits specific B cells that produce anti-ECD antibodies (27) in patients with MG. Based on these data, we proposed a negative feed-back theoretical model to explain how the anti-CL loop protects against EAMG in animal models (Fig. 5). In this proposed mechanism, B cells specific to the ECD of the α subunit capture the nAChR, which is bound with an antibody to CL of the δ (Fig. 5A), or α (Fig. 5B) subunits, or the ECD of α subunit (Fig. 5C). The Fc portions of these antibodies bind to the FcγRIIB, an inhibitory receptor on the surface of the same B cell, leading to inactivation of those B cells.

However, even though the levels of anti-ECD antibody in patients with gMG were higher than those in patients with OMG, there were no differences observed in the levels of anti-CL antibodies between patients with OMG and gMG in our results. There was also no correlation between anti-CL and anti-ECD antibody. These findings suggest that anti-CL antibodies may be not beneficial antibodies in patients with MG.

In fact, EAMG differs from MG in that EAMG is triggered by immunizing animals with detergent-solubilized native nAChR, such as Triton X-100. Electron microscopy studies have indicated that these Triton X-100-solubilized nAChRs are embedded in tubular and globular structures formed by membrane lipids and detergent micelles (28,29). The CLs of nAChR were exposed to the immunological environment rather than protected by the cellular membranes, which can mediate the immune response at the initiation of EAMG. Although we can explain the protective effect of anti-CL antibodies on EMAM using a negative feed-back theory, it does not confirm that this mechanism exists in patients with MG. This means that anti-CL antibody may not serve as a negative feed-back bridge if the CL of nAChR that triggers the autoimmune response in MG patient is not exposed to the environment.

Since there was no beneficial effect of anti-CL antibody in patients with MG, it would be benefial to determine how anti-CL antibody could possibly occur and what the role of anti-CL antibody is in patients with MG. CLs are not exposed on the cell surface in healthy humans; thus, no anti-CL antibodies are present. In patients with MG with anti-nAChR antibody, nAChR is destroyed through antigen-antibody reaction. The CL is exposed as the nAChR is destroyed. Therefore, anti-CL antibodies are likely produced as a result of pathological changes. However, the function of anti-CL antibody in patients with MG warrants further investigation.

In addition, we found that approximately 50% of MG sera contained antibodies directed against the CL of nAChR. This is significantly higher than findings from earlier experiments that measured the ability of a monoclonal antibody (mAb) to inhibit the binding of MG sera to the nAChR (30), and also measured the antibody of MG sera to inhibit the binding of a MoAb detected against the CL of the nAChR (14). Our results showed that approximately a quarter of patients with MG with thymoma were anti-CL antibody-positive. This is higher than the finding of a previous study that found that no patients with MG with thymoma were anti-CL antibody-positive (14). This can be explained by the following reasons: i) the experimental methods were different. Our radioimmunoassay was direct and more sensitive. Previous methods used competition experiments that indirectly detected antibodies, missing minor antibody populations in MG sera. Due to the specificity of the MoAb used, those experiments only detected the presence of antibodies against certain epitopes of CL of α and β subunits. The detection of a narrow portion of anti-CL antibodies was widened by radioimmunoassay. ii) Patients with MG in different countries had different conditions. In our study, 14.5% of patients with MG had thymoma; however, only 5.3% had thymoma in the previous study (14). iii) Patients with MG may have been treated with different medicines. Drugs, such as corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents affect the immune system, particularly the expression of antibodies.

No patients in the sera titer <0.6 nM group were positive for anti-CL antibodies. A higher positivity rate was concentrated in the sections of sera titer between 6.6 and 66 nM, and in sera titer >66 nM. These results suggest that the anti-CL antibodies are prone to be distributed in MG with a higher sera titer. In 11 patients with thymoma-associated MG, 10 were anti-ECD positive, but only 4 patients were anti-CL-positive (data not shown). We thus questioned whether there was an association between these two antibodies. The number of tested thymoma sera in this study was too small to draw definitive conclusions.

It should be noted that the present study was retrospective. The majority of patients coming to our hospital had been diagnosed and treated in their local primary hospital. Thus, as a preliminary exploration, we included the ready-made sera from patients with MG. Currently, we are collecting the sera of patients with MG before and after treatment for further analysis. Our preliminary study revealed that the titers of anti-CL antibodies between patients with MG with and without immunosuppressive therapy exhibited no statistically significant difference (unpublished data). Therefore, we assumed that anti-CL antibodies may not be affected under the immunosuppressive therapy.

The limitation of the present study was that the sample size was not large enough. We aim to keep collecting the sera of patients with MG to enlarge the number of samples in future studies. Despite its preliminary character, our findings still provide the first clinical evidence that anti-CL antibodies may be not a beneficial antibody in patients with MG.

In conclusion, we found a phenomenon that there was no correlation between anti-nAChR CL and the severity of MG. Anti-CL antibody in patients with MG may not seem to be predictive of the severity of MG; however, additional studies are warranted to uncover the clinical implications of anti-CL antibody in patients with MG.


The present study was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 31270952 and 81202357). We would like to thank Dr Austin Cape at ASJ Editors for careful reading the manuscript and providing comments.







B-cell antigen receptor




cytoplasmic loop


experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis


extra cellular domain


early-onset myasthenia gravis


generalized myasthenia gravis


isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalacto pyranoside


institutional review board


late-onset myasthenia gravis


myasthenia gravis


monoclonal antibody


the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor


ocular myasthenia gravis


standard deviation



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Lin Y, Song C, Xu J, Yang Y, Qin H, Zhao C, Lin J, Liu R and Li Z: Irrelevance of anti‑nAChR cytoplasmic loop antibody in the degree of myasthenia gravis. Int J Mol Med 40: 931-939, 2017.
Lin, Y., Song, C., Xu, J., Yang, Y., Qin, H., Zhao, C. ... Li, Z. (2017). Irrelevance of anti‑nAChR cytoplasmic loop antibody in the degree of myasthenia gravis. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 40, 931-939.
Lin, Y., Song, C., Xu, J., Yang, Y., Qin, H., Zhao, C., Lin, J., Liu, R., Li, Z."Irrelevance of anti‑nAChR cytoplasmic loop antibody in the degree of myasthenia gravis". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 40.3 (2017): 931-939.
Lin, Y., Song, C., Xu, J., Yang, Y., Qin, H., Zhao, C., Lin, J., Liu, R., Li, Z."Irrelevance of anti‑nAChR cytoplasmic loop antibody in the degree of myasthenia gravis". International Journal of Molecular Medicine 40, no. 3 (2017): 931-939.