Lactoferrin immunoexpression in endometrial carcinomas: relationships with sex steroid hormone receptors (ER and PR), proliferation indices (Ki-67 and AgNOR) and survival

  • Authors:
    • Giuseppe Giuffrè
    • Francesco Arena
    • Rosa Scarfì
    • Angela Simone
    • Paolo Todaro
    • Giovanni Tuccari
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: August 1, 2006
  • Pages: 257-263
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We have investigated Lf immunoexpression as well as its biological meaning in 71 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded surgical samples of endometrial carcinomas (EC); 64 EC were endometrioid type, whereas 7 were non-endometrioid carcinomas. Immunohistochemistry was performed by primary antibodies against Lactoferrin (Lf), estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and Ki-67 antigen. Quantification of Lf immunoreactivity was performed using an intensity-distribution (ID) score. Moreover, the AgNOR technique according to guidelines of the Committee on AgNOR Quantification was used to assess the proliferation rate (NORA). A variable expression of Lf was revealed in 43 cases (61%) of EC. Endometrioid type carcinoma showed a significant higher Lf ID-score than non-endometrioid type; in contrast, no relationships were demonstrated between Lf immunoexpression and histologic grade, stage, clinical course as well as proliferative activity of EC. Moreover, a significantly higher Lf ID-score was encountered in ER-positive carcinomas. Survival analysis in EC indicated the architectural, nuclear and combined histologic grades as well as the stage, PR, Ki-67 and NORA as significant parameters. The utilization of Lf as a prognostic marker, able to identify patients at different risk of death, or alternatively, its clinical application as therapeutic agent, must be considered with great caution.

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August 2006
Volume 16 Issue 2

Print ISSN: 1021-335X
Online ISSN:1791-2431

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Spandidos Publications style
Giuffrè G, Arena F, Scarfì R, Simone A, Todaro P and Tuccari G: Lactoferrin immunoexpression in endometrial carcinomas: relationships with sex steroid hormone receptors (ER and PR), proliferation indices (Ki-67 and AgNOR) and survival. Oncol Rep 16: 257-263, 2006.
Giuffrè, G., Arena, F., Scarfì, R., Simone, A., Todaro, P., & Tuccari, G. (2006). Lactoferrin immunoexpression in endometrial carcinomas: relationships with sex steroid hormone receptors (ER and PR), proliferation indices (Ki-67 and AgNOR) and survival. Oncology Reports, 16, 257-263.
Giuffrè, G., Arena, F., Scarfì, R., Simone, A., Todaro, P., Tuccari, G."Lactoferrin immunoexpression in endometrial carcinomas: relationships with sex steroid hormone receptors (ER and PR), proliferation indices (Ki-67 and AgNOR) and survival". Oncology Reports 16.2 (2006): 257-263.
Giuffrè, G., Arena, F., Scarfì, R., Simone, A., Todaro, P., Tuccari, G."Lactoferrin immunoexpression in endometrial carcinomas: relationships with sex steroid hormone receptors (ER and PR), proliferation indices (Ki-67 and AgNOR) and survival". Oncology Reports 16, no. 2 (2006): 257-263.