Dosimetric comparison of left-sided whole breast irradiation with 3D-CRT, IP-IMRT and hybrid IMRT

  • Authors:
    • Xiaoxue Xie
    • Shuyu Ouyang
    • Hui Wang
    • Wenjuan Yang
    • Hekun Jin
    • Bingqiang Hu
    • Liangfang Shen
  • View Affiliations

  • Published online on: March 5, 2014
  • Pages: 2195-2205
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The aim of this study was to compare the dosimetric characteristics of left-sided whole breast irradiation among 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT), 4-field inverse-planned intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IP-IMRT) and hybrid IMRT technique (combining 3D-CRT beams and IP-IMRT beams) with respect to target coverage and irradiation of organs at risk. The 3 different planning techniques were analyzed for 8 patients with left-sided breast conserving surgery. Plans were compared on the basis of planning target volume (PTV) dose conformity, homogeneity and the volumes of normal tissues treated based on dose-volume histograms (DVHs). DVHs were calculated for the PTV, heart, and the bilateral lungs, contralateral breast, and soft tissue surrounding the breast PTV (VOB) volume. IP-IMRT and hybrid IMRT techniques comparably improved the PTV dose homogeneity and conformity (CI) significantly, compared to the conventional 3D-CRT technique (P<0.017); the IP-IMRT technique only could additionally benefit patients by decreasing the high-dose (40 Gy) volume for heart and ipsilateral lung compared with the hybrid IMRT technique (P<0.017); the hybrid IMRT plans achieved a further improvement by compromising the increase of low-dose volume (total lung V13, contralateral lung V5, heart V10 and soft tissue surrounding the breast V5) compared with IP-IMRT plans (P<0.017). Hybrid IMRT plans achieved equivalent PTV dose uniformity to IP-IMRT plans and compromised the low-dose volume and requirement of clinic resource between IP-IMRT and 3D-CRT plans, promoting it as a standard practice of left-sided breast irradiation for patients in good-ordered cardiopulmonary health.
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Volume 31 Issue 5

Print ISSN: 1021-335X
Online ISSN:1791-2431

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Spandidos Publications style
Xie X, Ouyang S, Wang H, Yang W, Jin H, Hu B and Shen L: Dosimetric comparison of left-sided whole breast irradiation with 3D-CRT, IP-IMRT and hybrid IMRT. Oncol Rep 31: 2195-2205, 2014.
Xie, X., Ouyang, S., Wang, H., Yang, W., Jin, H., Hu, B., & Shen, L. (2014). Dosimetric comparison of left-sided whole breast irradiation with 3D-CRT, IP-IMRT and hybrid IMRT. Oncology Reports, 31, 2195-2205.
Xie, X., Ouyang, S., Wang, H., Yang, W., Jin, H., Hu, B., Shen, L."Dosimetric comparison of left-sided whole breast irradiation with 3D-CRT, IP-IMRT and hybrid IMRT". Oncology Reports 31.5 (2014): 2195-2205.
Xie, X., Ouyang, S., Wang, H., Yang, W., Jin, H., Hu, B., Shen, L."Dosimetric comparison of left-sided whole breast irradiation with 3D-CRT, IP-IMRT and hybrid IMRT". Oncology Reports 31, no. 5 (2014): 2195-2205.