Journal Articles

Review Open Access

Dyselectrolytemia‑management and implications in hemodialysis (Review)

Delia Timofte, Maria-Daniela Tanasescu, Andra-Elena Balcangiu‑Stroescu, Daniela Gabriela Balan, Adrian Tulin, Ovidiu Stiru, Ileana Adela Vacaroiu, Andrada Mihai, Popa Cristian Constantin, Cristina-Ileana Cosconel, Mihaly Enyedi, Daniela Miricescu, Dorin Ionescu

Article Number: 102 Published online on: 26 November 2020

Correlation between plasma homocysteine and first myocardial infarction in young patients: Case‑control study in Constanta County, Romania

Cristina Nedelcu, Mihaela Ionescu, Anca Pantea‑Stoian, Daniel Niţă, Lucian Petcu, Laura Mazilu, Andra-Iulia Suceveanu, Liliana-Ana Tuţă, Irinel-Raluca Parepa

Article Number: 101 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Article Open Access

Exposure to cadmium and copper triggers cytotoxic effects and epigenetic changes in human colorectal carcinoma HT‑29 cells

Andrada Iftode, George Andrei Drăghici, Ioana Macașoi, Iasmina  Marcovici, Dorina E. Coricovac, Razvan Dragoi, Alina Tischer, Leda Kovatsi, Aristidis M. Tsatsakis, Octavian Cretu, Cristina Dehelean

Article Number: 100 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Article Open Access

Dynamics of APRI and FIB‑4 in HCV cirrhotic patients who achieved SVR after DAA therapy

Anca Leuştean, Cristina Popescu, Luciana Nichita, Cătălin Tilişcan, Victoria Aramă

Article Number: 99 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Article Open Access

Periodontal effects of two innovative oral rinsing substances in oncologic patients

Diana Cristala Kappenberg‑Niţescu, Ionut Luchian, Ioana Mârțu, Sorina-Mihaela Solomon, Silvia Mârţu, Liliana Păsărin, Alexandra Mârțu, Ioana-Andreea Sioustis, Ancuța Goriuc, Monica Tatarciuc

Article Number: 98 Published online on: 26 November 2020

Perspectives on skin disorder diagnosis among people living with HIV in southeastern Romania

Miruna Draganescu, Liliana Baroiu, Alina Iancu, Caterina Dumitru, Diana Radaschin, Eduard Drima Polea, Carmen Bobeica, Alin Laurentiu Tatu, Elena Niculet, Gyula Laszlo Fekete

Article Number: 97 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Review Open Access

An overview of the tumor microenvironment, from cells to complex networks (Review)

Ovidiu Farc, Victor Cristea

Article Number: 96 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Article Open Access

Dendritic cell‑CD4+ T cell interaction: The differential role of IL‑4/IL‑13 in serum IgE levels in house dust mite allergic patients

Luminita Daniela Cernescu, Laura Haidar, Carmen Panaitescu

Article Number: 95 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Review Open Access

Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections (Review)

Dalia Dop, Iulia Rahela Marcu, Rodica Padureanu, Carmen  Elena Niculescu, Vlad Padureanu

Article Number: 94 Published online on: 26 November 2020

Impact of histological subtype on the response to chemoradiation in locally advanced cervical cancer and the possible role of surgery

Silviu Voinea, Cătălin Gabriel Herghelegiu, Angela Sandru, Raluca   Gabriela Ioan, Roxana Elena Bohilțea, Nicolae Bacalbașa, Laura Ioana Chivu, Florentina Furtunescu, Diana Catalina Stanica, Adrian Neacșu

Article Number: 93 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Case Report

SARS‑CoV‑2, multiple sclerosis, and focal deficit in a postpartum woman: A case report

Anca Alexandra Florea, Carmen Adella Sirbu, Minerva Claudia Ghinescu, Cristina Florentina Plesa, Anca Maria Sirbu, Marian Mitrica, Florentina Ionita‑Radu

Article Number: 92 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Case Report Open Access

NK/T‑cell non‑Hodgkin lymphoma: Case report and review of the literature

Mihaiela Lungu, Anca Telehuz, Doina Carina Voinescu, Violeta Sapira, Angel Trifan, Eva Maria Elkan, Ana Fătu, Valerica Zărnescu Creangă, Mihai Polinschi, Gabriela Stoleriu, Elena Niculet

Article Number: 91 Published online on: 26 November 2020

Weight loss programmes using low carbohydrate diets to control the cardiovascular risk in adolescents (Review)

Roxana Adriana Stoica, Camelia Cristina Diaconu, Manfredi Rizzo, Peter P. Toth, Simona Diana Stefan, Cristian Serafinceanu, Dragana Nikolic, Catalina Poiana, Constantin Ionescu‑Tirgoviste, Anca Pantea‑Stoian

Article Number: 90 Published online on: 26 November 2020

Predicting functional disability in patients with spondyloarthritis using a CRP‑based algorithm: A 3‑year prospective study

Liliana Catan, Marius Boariu, Elena Amaricai, Daniel Popa, George Puenea, Mihai Drăgoi, Ștefan Stratul, Răzvan Gabriel Drăgoi

Article Number: 89 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Article Open Access

Multiple primary melanomas: Our experience

Loredana Ungureanu, Iulia Zboraș, Alina Vasilovici, Ștefan  Vesa, Ioana Cosgarea, Rodica Cosgarea, Simona Șenilă

Article Number: 88 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Case Report

Hepatic artery reconstruction after extended resection for borderline resectable pancreatic head cancer: A case report

Vladislav Brasoveanu, Dragos Romanescu, Camelia Diaconu, Laura Iliescu, Ovidiu Stiru, Iulian Brezean, Emil Belu, Carmen Savu, Cornel Savu, Ovidiu Bratu, Gabriel Gorecki, Lucian Pop, Irina Balescu, Nicolae Bacalbasa

Article Number: 87 Published online on: 26 November 2020

A new era for monoclonal antibodies with applications in neurology (Review)

Carmen Adella Sirbu, Minerva Claudia Ghinescu, Any Docu Axelerad, Anca Maria Sirbu, Florentina Ionita‑Radu

Article Number: 86 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Case Report Open Access

Adult-onset Still's disease and the role of dermatological manifestations: A case report and literature review

Andrei Vâță, Ionela Adriana Vlăduțu, Carmen Manciuc, Cristina Lăcătusu, Alexandra Burlui, Anca Cardoneanu, Elena Rezuș

Article Number: 85 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Review Open Access

Heterogeneity in combined immunodeficiencies with associated or syndromic features (Review)

Lavinia Caba, Cristina Gug, Eusebiu Vlad Gorduza

Article Number: 84 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Article Open Access

Determining factors of renal dysfunction during cisplatin chemotherapy

Sorin Săftescu, Dorel Popovici, Cristina Oprean, Alina Negru, Anita Haiduc, Simona Stanca, Daniel-Claudiu Malița, Simona Volovăț, Șerban Negru

Article Number: 83 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Case Report

Implications of human T‑lymphotropic virus in pregnancy: A case report and a review of the diagnostic criteria and management proposal

Roxana Elena Bohiltea, Natalia Turcan, Costin Berceanu, Octavian Munteanu, Tiberiu Augustin Georgescu, Ionita Ducu, Adrian Neacsu, Florentina Furtunescu

Article Number: 82 Published online on: 26 November 2020

Gestational diabetes ‑ modern management and therapeutic approach (Review)

Camelia Sandu, Cristina Bica, Teodor Salmen, Roxana Stoica, Roxana Bohiltea, Florentina Gherghiceanu, Irina Pacu, Simona Stefan, Cristian Serafinceanu, Anca Pantea Stoian

Article Number: 81 Published online on: 26 November 2020

Umbilical cord lactate compared with pH as predictors of intrapartum asphyxia

Adrian Neacsu, Cătălin Gabriel Herghelegiu, Silviu Voinea, Mihai Cornel Traian Dimitriu, Liana Ples, Roxana Elena Bohiltea, Anca Daniela Braila, Leonard Nastase, Nicolae Bacalbasa, Laura Ioana Chivu, Florentina Furtunescu, Raluca Gabriela Ioan

Article Number: 80 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Article Open Access

Etiological factors of systemic sclerosis in the southeast region of Romania

Carmen Bobeica, Elena Niculet, Mihaela Craescu, Alina Ioana Halip, Ioana Adriana Popescu, Miruna Luminita Draganescu, Cristian Onisor, Bogdan Stefanescu, Laura Gheuca‑Solovastru

Article Number: 79 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Article Open Access

Immunohistochemical study of CD117 in various cutaneous melanocytic lesions

Antonia Radu, Cornelia Bejenaru, Ion Ţolea, Minela Aida Maranduca, Daniel Constantin Brănişteanu, Ludovic Everard Bejenaru, Florin Dumitru Petrariu, Gabriela Stoleriu, Daciana Elena Brănişteanu

Article Number: 78 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Article Open Access

Epidemiological profile of systemic sclerosis in the southeast region of Romania

Carmen Bobeica, Elena Niculet, Mihaela Craescu, Cristian Onisor, Florin Bujoreanu, Miruna Luminita Draganescu, Ioana Alina Halip, Laura Gheuca‑Solovastru

Article Number: 77 Published online on: 26 November 2020
Review Open Access

Signalling pathways implicated in the pathogenesis of rheumatic heart disease (Review)

Shenglin Xian, Zhiyu Zeng

Article Number: 76 Published online on: 25 November 2020
Article Open Access

Effect of HMGB1 on monocyte immune function in respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis

Mingyang Niu, Zhen Jiang, Xin Xin, Junling Zhu, Jia  Yang, Min Diao, Gongjian Qi, Boxiang Qi

Article Number: 75 Published online on: 25 November 2020
Article Open Access

Diagnostic values of NLR and miR‑141 in patients with osteoarthritis and their association with severity of knee osteoarthritis

Chengchen Cai, Ruojing Zhang, Xiaoli Xu, Guowen Li, Haixin Gou

Article Number: 74 Published online on: 25 November 2020
Article Open Access

Diagnostic value of CXCR3 and its ligands in spinal tuberculosis

Xiaoqian Shang, Liang Wang, Yumei Liu, Xuemei Liu, Jie Lv, Xuan Zhou, Hao Wang, Shaxika Nazierhan, Jing Wang, Xiumin Ma

Article Number: 73 Published online on: 25 November 2020
Article Open Access

Expression of LRRC8A is elevated in the cytoplasm of osteosarcoma tissues: An immunohistochemical study with tissue microarrays

Ningfeng Zhang, Zhiqin Deng, Wencui Li, Yan Zou, Jianyi Xiong, Li Duan, Daping Wang

Article Number: 71 Published online on: 25 November 2020
Review Open Access

Current directions, conceptions and viewpoints on 2019‑nCoV (Review)

Xiao Feng, Xiaoyu Xie, Shouyang Song, Wenjun Chen, Hongjun Bian, Fajuan Rui, Qiang Zhu, Wanhua Ren, Chengyong Qin, Jianni Qi

Article Number: 70 Published online on: 25 November 2020
Article Open Access

Endogenous antisense walR RNA modulates biofilm organization and pathogenicity of Enterococcus faecalis

Shizhou Wu, Yunjie Liu, Lei Lei, Hui Zhang

Article Number: 69 Published online on: 23 November 2020
Article Open Access

miR‑155‑5p regulates macrophage M1 polarization and apoptosis in the synovial fluid of patients with knee osteoarthritis

Gui-Shi Li, Lei Cui, Guang-Da Wang

Article Number: 68 Published online on: 23 November 2020

miR‑126‑5p regulates H9c2 cell proliferation and apoptosis under hypoxic conditions by targeting IL‑17A

Yin Ren, Ruanzhong Bao, Zhujun Guo, Jin Kai, Chen-Ge Cai, Zhu Li

Article Number: 67 Published online on: 23 November 2020
Article Open Access

Naringin attenuates renal interstitial fibrosis by regulating the TGF‑β/Smad signaling pathway and inflammation

Ruichen Wang, Gaolei Wu, Tiantian Dai, Yitian Lang, Zhongchao Chi, Shilei Yang, Deshi Dong

Article Number: 66 Published online on: 23 November 2020
Article Open Access

Evaluation of circulating cell‑free nuclear and mitochondrial DNA levels in Syrian patients with breast tumor

Milda Safi, Abdul Rahman Najib

Article Number: 65 Published online on: 23 November 2020
Article Open Access

Salvia miltiorrhiza solution and its active compounds ameliorate human granulosa cell damage induced by H2O2

Ying Liang, Liying Kang, Zihe Qi, Xing Gao, Huili Quan, Huifang Lin

Article Number: 64 Published online on: 19 November 2020
Article Open Access

Proteomic profiling of biomarkers by MALDI‑TOF mass spectrometry for the diagnosis of tracheobronchial stenosis after tracheobronchial tuberculosis

Bihao Peng, Xiaojian Qiu, Zhiwu Dong, Jie Zhang, Yinghua Pei, Ting Wang

Article Number: 63 Published online on: 19 November 2020
Article Open Access

Safety of apatinib plus S‑1 for advanced solid tumor as palliative treatment

Siying Chen, Jifeng Sun, Lujun Zhao, Yunguang Sun, Dan Jia, Yongchun Song, Jing Luo, Hailong Lei, Ningbo Liu

Article Number: 62 Published online on: 19 November 2020
Article Open Access

Interaction network of immune‑associated genes affecting the prognosis of patients with glioblastoma

Xiaohong Hou, Jialin Chen, Qiang Zhang, Yinchun Fan, Chengming Xiang, Guiyin Zhou, Fang Cao, Shengtao Yao

Article Number: 61 Published online on: 19 November 2020
Article Open Access

Long non‑coding RNA maternally expressed gene regulates cigarette smoke extract induced lung inflammation and human bronchial epithelial apoptosis via miR‑149‑3p

Zhenwu Lei, Hui Guo, Shenchun Zou, Jing Jiang, Yuchuan Kui, Jie Song

Article Number: 60 Published online on: 19 November 2020

Assessment of three successive treatments of ranibizumab on neovascular macular degeneration by OCT angiography

Juming Zhu, Qing Peng, Tu Su, Minli Wang, Fang Wang

Article Number: 59 Published online on: 19 November 2020
Article Open Access

Metformin alleviates β‑glycerophosphate‑induced calcification of vascular smooth muscle cells via AMPK/mTOR‑activated autophagy

Xiaobo Qiu, Qing Xu, Tianhua Xu, Pengzhi Wan, Zitong Sheng, Yiran Han, Li Yao

Article Number: 58 Published online on: 19 November 2020

Application of antibiotics before 3 years of age increases the risk of childhood overweight and obesity

Jiuzhen Tian, Honghua Liu, Hua Guo, Weiping Han, Hui Ding, Tong Chen

Article Number: 56 Published online on: 19 November 2020

Hesperidin prevents hyperglycemia in diabetic rats by activating the insulin receptor pathway

Peng Peng, Juan Jin, Guoliang Zou, Yanbo Sui, Yubo Han, Dapeng Zhao, Li Liu

Article Number: 53 Published online on: 19 November 2020
Article Open Access

Klotho gene improves oxidative stress injury after myocardial infarction

Zhuofan Xu, Shaoxin Zheng, Xiaoqian Feng, Chengzhe Cai, Xianqu Ye, Pingfang Liu

Article Number: 52 Published online on: 19 November 2020
Article Open Access

Effect of fluoxetine on the MAPK‑ERK1/2 signaling pathway and expression of associated factors in human conjunctival epithelial cells in culture

Ting Cao, Yanning Yang, Bin Chen, Xiaoxiong Wang

Article Number: 50 Published online on: 19 November 2020
Article Open Access

IL‑17 promotes proliferation, inflammation and inhibits apoptosis of HaCaT cells via interacting with the TRAF3 interacting protein 2

Jie Zhang, Junbin Zhang, Qingxia Lin, Lamei Chen, Yali Song

Article Number: 49 Published online on: 18 November 2020
Article Open Access

Identification of adhesion‑associated DNA methylation patterns in the peripheral nervous system

Shanhuai Zuo, Guidong Shi, Jianchao Fan, Baoyou Fan, Xiaolei Zhang, Shen Liu, Yan Hao, Zhijian Wei, Xianhu Zhou, Shiqing Feng

Article Number: 48 Published online on: 18 November 2020

Effects of various catheter fix sites on catheter‑associated lower urinary tract symptoms

Likun Zhu, Rui Jiang, Xiangjun Kong, Xinwei Wang, Lijun Pei, Qingfu Deng, Xu Li

Article Number: 47 Published online on: 18 November 2020
Correction Open Access

[Corrigendum] MIST1 regulates SNAI1 and acts through the PTEN/AKT signaling axis to promote anoikis resistance in human melanoma cells

Yiju Lee, Weifeng Yao, Chunjun Yang, Yunrui Li, Haiyang Ni, Lei Wang, Bin Ji, Yongge Gu, Sen Yang

Article Number: 46 Published online on: 17 November 2020
Article Open Access

Levels of serum IgG subclasses in patients with liver disease: A retrospective study

Wei Zheng, Feifei Jiang, Jing Shan, Ying Wang, Yongmei Jia, Qiuyan Guo, Jinli Lou, Yan Zhao

Article Number: 45 Published online on: 17 November 2020
Review Open Access

Roles and regulatory mechanisms of miR‑30b in cancer, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic disorders (Review)

Qing Zhang, Shousheng Liu, Jie Zhang, Xuefeng Ma, Mengzhen Dong, Baokai Sun, Yongning Xin

Article Number: 44 Published online on: 17 November 2020
Correction Open Access

[Corrigendum] A case of visceral leishmaniasis found by left oblique hernia: A case report

Guoqiang Zhang, Jihua Zhong, Ting Wang, Lu Zhong

Article Number: 43 Published online on: 17 November 2020
Case Report Open Access

Giant aneurysm of the bilateral vertebrobasilar junction treated by pipeline and coils: A case report and literature review

Chun-Lei Zhang, Zhong-Hua Shi, Zhi-Zhong Yan, Chun-Long  Ding, Jia-Ming Cao, Yu-Hai Wang, Peng Zhang

Article Number: 40 Published online on: 17 November 2020
Article Open Access

Role of the stromal cell derived factor‑1 in the biological functions of endothelial progenitor cells and its underlying mechanisms

Yanping Cun, Bo Diao, Zhimin Zhang, Gang Wang, Jing Yu, Lianting Ma, Zhiguo Rao

Article Number: 39 Published online on: 17 November 2020

A lateral parapatellar approach with iliotibial band dissection from the Gerdy tubercle for total knee arthroplasty of the valgus knee

Wendan Cheng, Ziyu Li, Jisen Zhang, Qiliang Cao, Haoran Yu, Lei Qi, Fei Yao, Juehua Jing

Article Number: 38 Published online on: 17 November 2020

Th17/Treg‑cell balance in the peripheral blood of pregnant females with a history of recurrent spontaneous abortion receiving progesterone or cyclosporine A

Songcun Wang, Mengdie Li, Fengrun Sun, Chunqin Chen, Jiangfeng Ye, Dajin Li, Jinfeng Qian, Meirong Du

Article Number: 37 Published online on: 17 November 2020
Article Open Access

MicroRNA‑219‑5p participates in cyanotic congenital heart disease progression by regulating cardiomyocyte apoptosis

Chuanxian Hu, Su Huang, Fafu Wu, Hui Ding

Article Number: 36 Published online on: 11 November 2020
Review Open Access

Investigational drugs with dual activity against HBV and HIV (Review)

Shiyu Sun, Qing Yang, Yunjian Sheng, Yi Fu, Changfeng Sun, Cunliang Deng

Article Number: 35 Published online on: 11 November 2020

Clinical implications of perivascular fat stranding surrounding spontaneous isolated superior mesenteric artery dissection on computed tomography

Zhengwu Tan, Qianna Jin, Wenliang Fan, Ping Han, Xin Li

Article Number: 34 Published online on: 11 November 2020
Review Open Access

Towards a more effective strategy for COVID‑19 prevention (Review)

Anna K. Szkaradkiewicz‑Karpińska, Andrzej Szkaradkiewicz

Article Number: 33 Published online on: 11 November 2020
Article Open Access

Transrectal ultrasound‑guided seminal vesicle catheterization with continuous antibiotic infusion for the treatment of refractory hematospermia

Ren Wang, Lei Chen, Xiaojun Bai, Tingting Li, Dan Wu, Jinjin Chen

Article Number: 32 Published online on: 11 November 2020
Article Open Access

Androgen receptor gene mutations in 258 Han Chinese patients with polycystic ovary syndrome

Lifeng Tian, Yang Zou, Jun Tan, Yaoqing Wang, Jia Chen, Leizhen Xia, Lixian Xu, Ge Chen, Qiongfang Wu, Ouping Huang

Article Number: 31 Published online on: 11 November 2020

Ascites symptom inventory-7 is a valuable tool for evaluating the effectiveness of tolvaptan in patients with cirrhotic ascites

Hideto Kawaratani, Kei Moriya, Tadashi Namisaki, Naotaka Shimozato, Kosuke Kaji, Hiroaki Takaya, Yukihisa Fujinaga, Yasuhiko Sawada, Shinya Sato, Soichiro Saikawa, Takuya Kubo, Takemi Akahane, Hiroshi Fukui, Hitoshi Yoshiji

Article Number: 30 Published online on: 10 November 2020
Article Open Access

MicroRNA‑329‑3p alleviates high glucose‑induced endothelial cell injury via inhibition of the TLR4/TRAF6/NF‑κB signaling pathway

Guangzhao Song, Liyan Li, Ying Yang

Article Number: 29 Published online on: 10 November 2020

Shikonin reduces hepatic fibrosis by inducing apoptosis and inhibiting autophagy via the platelet‑activating factor‑mitogen‑activated protein kinase axis

Min Song, Heng Zhang, Zhitao Chen, Jing Yang, Jie Li, Sue Shao, Jing Liu

Article Number: 28 Published online on: 10 November 2020
Article Open Access

Investigation of the relationship between chronic montelukast treatment, asthma and depression‑like behavior in mice

Banu Cahide Tel, Gokcen Telli, Sevgen Onder, Emirhan Nemutlu, Turgut Emrah Bozkurt

Article Number: 27 Published online on: 09 November 2020
Article Open Access

Assessment of acute pancreatitis severity via determination of serum levels of hsa‑miR‑126‑5p and IL‑6

Ying-Jie Chen, Tian-Lai Lin, Zhe Cai, Chang-Hu Yan, Sen-Ren Gou, Yao-Dong Zhuang

Article Number: 26 Published online on: 09 November 2020
Article Open Access

Fisetin ameliorates atherosclerosis by regulating PCSK9 and LOX‑1 in apoE‑/‑ mice

Li Yan, Qingling Jia, Hui Cao, Chuan Chen, Sanli Xing, Yan Huang, Dingzhu Shen

Article Number: 25 Published online on: 09 November 2020
Review Open Access

Interleukin‑6 signaling blockade treatment for cytokine release syndrome in COVID‑19 (Review)

Jia-Jie Chen, Li-Na Zhang, Hu Hou, Lingqing Xu, Kunmei Ji

Article Number: 24 Published online on: 09 November 2020
Article Open Access

Exposure to radiofrequency radiation increases the risk of breast cancer: A systematic review and meta‑analysis Retraction in /10.3892/etm.2021.9903

Ya-Wen Shih, Anthony Paul O'brien, Chin-Sheng Hung, Kee-Hsin Chen, Wen-Hsuan Hou, Hsiu-Ting Tsai

Article Number: 23 Published online on: 09 November 2020
Article Open Access

Downregulation of astrocyte elevated gene‑1 expression inhibits the development of vasculogenic mimicry in gliomas

Chen Liang, Jian Shangguan, Ling Yang, Shiwen Guo

Article Number: 22 Published online on: 06 November 2020
Article Open Access

The AMPK‑mTOR axis requires increased MALAT1 expression for promoting granulosa cell proliferation in endometriosis Retraction in /10.3892/etm.2024.12528

Xuejie Liu, Ping Zhang, Yanmin Li, Na Zhao, Haiyan Han

Article Number: 21 Published online on: 06 November 2020
Article Open Access

Astragalus polysaccharide enhances the immune function of RAW264.7 macrophages via the NF‑κB p65/MAPK signaling pathway

Shibin Feng, Hongyan Ding, Leihong Liu, Chenglu Peng, Yingying Huang, Fuchao Zhong, Wei Li, Tingting Meng, Jinchun Li, Xichun Wang, Yu Li, Jinjie Wu

Article Number: 20 Published online on: 05 November 2020
Article Open Access

Performance evaluation of two fundus oculi angiographic imaging system: Optos 200Tx and Heidelberg Spectralis

Shuang Li, Jing-Jing Wang, Hong-Yang Li, Wei Wang, Meng Tian, Xu-Qiang Lang, Kang Wang

Article Number: 19 Published online on: 05 November 2020
Article Open Access

Identification of key genes in osteoarthritis using bioinformatics, principal component analysis and meta‑analysis

Xiangxiang Sun, Honghao Duan, Lin Xiao, Shuxin Yao, Qiang He, Xinlin Chen, Weijie Zhang, Jianbing Ma

Article Number: 18 Published online on: 05 November 2020
Article Open Access

Long non‑coding RNA TMPO‑AS1 promotes tumor progression via sponging miR‑140‑5p in breast cancer

Dandan Zhu, Weize Lv, Xiao Zhou, Yu He, Hongbin Yao, Yinxin Yu, Guodong Zhang, Qingyuan Zhang

Article Number: 17 Published online on: 05 November 2020

Camellioside A, isolated from Camellia japonica flowers, attenuates UVA‑induced production of MMP‑1 in HaCaT keratinocytes via suppression of MAPK activation

Fatih Karadeniz, Jung Hwan Oh, Hye Ran Kim, Jaeyoung Ko, Chang-Suk Kong

Article Number: 16 Published online on: 05 November 2020
Article Open Access

Efficacy of infliximab in the treatment of Kawasaki disease: A systematic review and meta‑analysis

Zhongxing Lu, Fen Wang, Haitao Lv

Article Number: 15 Published online on: 05 November 2020
Article Open Access
Article Open Access

Preliminary RNA‑microarray analysis of long non‑coding RNA expression in abnormally invasive placenta

Huishan Zhang, Shuzhen Wu, Shaoxin Ye, Huiting Ma, Zhengping Liu

Article Number: 13 Published online on: 04 November 2020
Case Report

Loeys‑Dietz syndrome associated with a heterozygous mutation in TGFBR2 in a female infant: A case report

Chun Zhu, Meiling Tong, Xia Chi

Article Number: 12 Published online on: 04 November 2020
Article Open Access

Clinical efficacy of intravenous anesthesia on breast segmental surgery and its effects on oxidative stress response and hemodynamics of patients

Xiaohong Yu, Yinchan Zhou, Xuezhen Zheng, Su Shao, Huihong He

Article Number: 11 Published online on: 04 November 2020
Article Open Access

PI3K inhibition sensitizes EGFR wild‑type NSCLC cell lines to erlotinib chemotherapy

Xin Zhou, Xiaowen Wang, Hongge Zhu, Guomin Gu, Yiyi Zhan, Chunling Liu, Gang Sun

Article Number: 9 Published online on: 04 November 2020
Article Open Access

The expression and clinical significance of three lncRNAs in patients with a missed abortion

Mei Luo, Huan Xiao, Liqiu Wang, Juan Zhao, Jie Gao, Wei Ma

Article Number: 8 Published online on: 04 November 2020
Article Open Access

Clinical characteristics of 78 cases of patients infected with coronavirus disease 2019 in Wuhan, China

Liying Lin, Canmei Zhong, Shanshan Rao, Hongguang Lin, Rongfeng Huang, Fenglin Chen

Article Number: 7 Published online on: 04 November 2020
Article Open Access

Role of TGF‑β1‑mediated epithelial‑mesenchymal transition in the pathogenesis of tympanosclerosis

Jingjing Qiu, Yanmei Wang, Wentao Guo, Ling Xu, Yakui Mou, Limei Cui, Fengchan Han, Yan Sun

Article Number: 6 Published online on: 02 November 2020
Article Open Access

Anti‑inflammatory activity of Radix Angelicae biseratae in the treatment of osteoarthritis determined by systematic pharmacology and in vitro experiments

Zhenyuan Chen, Ruoxi Zheng, Jun Chen, Changlong Fu, Jie Lin, Guangwen Wu

Article Number: 5 Published online on: 02 November 2020
Article Open Access

Dexmedetomidine inhibits the PSD95‑NMDA receptor interaction to promote functional recovery following traumatic brain injury

Zhongbai Zhao, Yu Ren, Hong Jiang, Yan Huang

Article Number: 4 Published online on: 02 November 2020

Treatment and prognosis of COVID‑19: Current scenario and prospects (Review)

Xuemei Li, Tao Li, Huihui Wang

Article Number: 3 Published online on: 02 November 2020
Article Open Access

miR‑345‑3p serves a protective role during gestational diabetes mellitus by targeting BAK1

Yuxia Li, Jun Zhuang

Article Number: 2 Published online on: 02 November 2020
Article Open Access

PM2.5 induces autophagy‑mediated cell apoptosis via PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway in mice bronchial epithelium cells

Xuemei Han, Yan Zhuang

Article Number: 1 Published online on: 02 November 2020
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Volume 21 Issue 1

Print ISSN: 1792-0981
Online ISSN: 1792-1015

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